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Thread: How to catch Dredded Carp

  1. #1

    How to catch Dredded Carp

    After tips on how to catch the dredded carp, Heading to Tenterfield for easter, Have caught them
    before on worms and yabbies is there a more productive method?

    This is for the kids while I'm chasing Murry Cod and Yellow Belly.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  2. #2

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    Mate you hit the nail on the head, WORMS. I find garden worms are by farm the best choice, other then that you could try bread .


  3. #3

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    when fishing on holidays in Jerrildrie, we found (by accident) that batter was the go. the kind that fish and chip shops use. dunno why. but our results were excellent

  4. #4

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    I use to target these critters down in Victoria. Found the best bait was dough made at home with flour and water and alternatively corn kernels.


  5. #5

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    Agree with frazzel burley up with corn kernels and thread same onto the hook and away you go! Good for the kids as it stays on the hook a bit better than dough.

    Cheers and Beers

    "Mystique" Haines Signature 580BR with 175 of Mr Suzuki's finest ponies

  6. #6

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    at less than a buck a can,,,,,,and a squillion baits,,,,corn kernels here also,,,,,,i can recall whilst on hols in shepparton vic as a kid,,, we noticed that after flicking a smoke butt in the water that the carp would rise and mouth it then spit it out,,,,,we tried this on the end of a hook on many occasion and caught heaps,,,,dont recommend it though for the young folk,,,,surgeon general wasnt even born then when i done it
    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  7. #7

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    at less than a buck a can,,,,,,and a squillion baits,,,,corn kernels here also,,,,,,i can recall whilst on hols in shepparton vic as a kid,,, we noticed that after flicking a smoke butt in the water that the carp would rise and mouth it then spit it out,,,,,we tried this on the end of a hook on many occasion and caught heaps,,,,dont recommend it though for the young folk,,,,surgeon general wasnt even born then when i done it
    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  8. #8

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    I live in south brisbane and used to head out to the albert river chasing them...I dont know what sort of tree it is, but there is a certain tree that lines some sections of the bank on the albert and it has a purple berry that grows on it.

    We found these were excellent baits, as the carp were always under these trees just waiting for one to drop. squash a treble into it and you are ready to go.

    they worked that well we even tied flies to match these berries and had a ball on the good ol' 6 weight. but we did find they didnt work while the berries were still green (not ripe). had to find the purple ones. These berries were about half the size of a golfball.

  9. #9

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    Just past Beadesert we were fishing in only 2 foot of water in a small river. About dusk we could hear a very strange sound which turned out to be the carp using their lips to dig into the far river bank(Only 12 or so feet across from me.

    The carp were trying to dislodge insects etc. Using a big worm and no weights we cast onto the bank and let the worm fall into the water. BANG!

    Between us we filled two eskies with carp all over 5 kilos. I don't lke the bones in them but for my fishing mate they kept his family fed for months...


  10. #10

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    I reckon the esky would have tasted better mate

    Cheers and Beers

    "Mystique" Haines Signature 580BR with 175 of Mr Suzuki's finest ponies

  11. #11

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    Ive found that bread in the lard off the BBQ works a treat. We've always thrown them into gardens and stuff never considered eating them. What are they like to eat, I would imagine like chewing on an thong that has been worn on numerous trips through the mangroves.


  12. #12

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    I have no info on carp, if you asked me a question about them i couldnt answer it, so i dont know them at all, period. But i have seen pic's of them in some fishing magazines and they can get up to a reasonable size cant they? Any good on the plate?

    TinarooTriumph s

  13. #13

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    mate they are illegle t5o put on the [plate

  14. #14

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    ILLEGAL! really? Whys that mate? told you i dont know s*** about em' haha

  15. #15

    Re: How to catch Dredded Carp

    can i have some chilli sauce with that esky? lol

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