Gday all, am off to Glenlyon again soon and just wondered what your favourite spinerbait colour was for Murray Cod/Yellowbelly?
Gday all, am off to Glenlyon again soon and just wondered what your favourite spinerbait colour was for Murray Cod/Yellowbelly?
In my experience I have to say I find the green and yellow colours the best...... I have heard though that the purple coloured ones are also very good.
ibbo... havn't got a favorite colour..... but in saying that a will usually use the one that caught the last fish in much the same conditions. The whites and yellow's with silver blades etc usually come out in the clear or and shallow water." sometimes works" But not allways. In the deeper or dirty water the black & reds ,purple's and darker ones with gold blades come out...... but it don't always work but thats the way i think
A blade that works OK for Cod is Black also... " No flash just vibes"
Off to Glenlyon in a few days myself for a week May even slip over to Pindari dam while i'm there?
Cheers Les
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
Happy fishing Mc Cod going just after you get back let us know how you go
Kokoda released a very good looking red and black trim with very silvery plated blade spinner. Works a treat for me. Never leave on any trip without it. If i were you id look into Kokoda, they got some great spinners at reasonable prices.
gotta agree on the kokoda spinner baits, the colour i've had best results on is one of the ones that come in a pack of 3, its the dark green and yellow willow leaf model
white chartreuse for me
yellow and brown have work best for me
purple and black or red and black, caught a few on the red and black skirt with a colarado blade in red not so long ago. cheers bdowdy
Purple and Black has worked for me at Glenlyon but big wide blade's for plenty of pulse in the water particulaly for the cod, work them slow with the odd sharp rip with the rod to really send out the vibes. My theory with cod is dark colours, look where the eyes are located on its head, it looks up and dark colours stand out better in both clear and murky water when viewed from below.
All times wasted thats not spent fishing
Black and puple works for me on the green spotted fellas especially where the water is turbid.
Anyone having better success using spinnerbaits rigged with trailer/stinger hooks?
I have had picked up my hook up rate using stinger hooks. Mustad (Red Tarpon 2/0 7766NPNR). Just slide a neat fitting piece of tube over the eye of the stinger hook and then feed your spinner bait hook through the covered eye of the stinger hook. This keeps the stinger hook straight and at the best position near the bottom of the spinner bait skirt.
For colour I will go with red/black, with max thump from the blade.
Originally Posted by wobbygone
Seem to be a lot of Purple and Black fans here. I tried using this colouration before and it didnt work too bad at all on some Sooties at a local river spot. Id still stick with the red and black though, looks like magic under water with those chrome blades. Im keen to purchase a few Bassman Spinnerbaits, ive heard mass reviews about them. I know Carl Jocumsen uses them frequently aswell as a number of AFC fisho's. Does anyone know what price tag comes with a Bassman?