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Thread: Awonga softies

  1. #16

    Re: Awonga softies

    Guys thanks for all the info and pictures there is a lot of knowledge and experience out there my mate John and I are up there for two weeks begining of October and will be giving some softies a belt around. Hope to see some of you while where up that way


  2. #17
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Awonga softies

    Wouldnt matter if it was 80 or 100lb leader mate. Ive had 80lb cut neat as a knife on the gill plates on the first jump.
    Im using some different material when using plastics. Lets just say I dont get cut off any more!

  3. #18

    Re: Awonga softies

    Thanks Jas- just a tip with those pogys- put 'em on upside down! They swim heaps better. If you need to get more tail kick, trim the top (not bottom) of the tail wrist of the lure. With this they get a nice body wobble as well.
    I'll be away out at Wreck Reef when the tackle show is on so unfortunately I'll miss you, but Michael, my son, will be there on the Saturday- he'll find you. The threadlines we are using are Daiwa Certate 2500 and 3500 HD customs- I also use a 2500 Stella but these don't give you the drag pressure of the Daiwas. Our trolling mission during daylight hours this year is to get one over 19.3 (current 2kg world record) on 2 kilo mono- best last season was 12.75. It does make the 'trolling in the middle' business a bit more challenging. We had a definite 20 kilo plus one on the toy rod last year but we pulled the hooks after a while.
    I prefer the hook 'em or pop 'em excitement in the tight stuff- last year we got a stack of great fish to 115, no 120 plus ones landed that season but we saw 2 beasts that were the biggest pair of barra I've ever seen. Both busted up in snags.

    Are you getting any at the moment? We are going to Callide, then Awoonga in about 5 weeks.


  4. #19

    Re: Awonga softies

    Has any one used the Tsunami Chad soft plastics on Barra?

    I was given a ship load to try in the 4 and 5inch lengths...

  5. #20
    Ausfish Bronze Member phatty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Awonga softies

    hey jas..

    any chance on finding out what that new material is?

  6. #21
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Awonga softies

    No worries mate, enjoy the reef trip.
    Thanks for the tip on the pogys.
    I'll keep an eye out for your young fella too.

    Although Ive been super busy at work, when I have been out the fishing has been great. Typical winter stuff. Last trip saw a bit of a shocker, dropped 7 fish (all over the metre) 3 jumped off on fly, 3 lost on squidgies, and a 120+ lost boatside. It happens.
    Prior to that, sensational to say the least!

    When your up, give me a call if you like, If Im not too busy at work be good to catch up for a chat.
    Jimmy Harnwell has my number, he 'll give it to you.
    Have a good one.

  7. #22

    Re: Awonga softies

    ok den looks like i gotta go and buy some more tackle before we go to add to my bursting supplys.plastics as well struth were gonna be busy up there. a big trout upgrade this is gonna be

  8. #23

    Re: Awonga softies

    about time I heard from you John hope you got somthing out of what the guys had to say, you are right at this rate well need a trailer for the tackle boxes themselves any way better go and grab some more softies. Liked the Purple Duck pic.

    Cheers mate

  9. #24
    Ausfish Bronze Member fsh00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Awonga softies

    Hey salmo man,
    About time tou found this site, Yeah take lots of gear with you when u go so when i drop in i'll have a good choice of lures .
    check your messages.

    it's never to late to learn
    how to dodge work and go fishing

  10. #25

    Re: Awonga softies

    been reading for many months finaly joined see i gotta get 10 posts up to reply to your emails. i guess this is gonna be a little bit different to fishing with 1 kg strain . just wonderering and puzzled how light can i go on these big monsters providing i hook up that is. guess the trace is everything with the armour these sporting monsters have. lure action is everything with trace diameter. and line diameter. guess its gonna cost me a few lures to experement and find out .scarey but sounds like fun .

  11. #26

    Re: Awonga softies

    Has anyone tried big stick bait style plastics on barra, like the big squidgy evil minnows? I guess you'd have to find or customise suitable jigheads. But you'd be able to keep them in the strike zone for a long time.

  12. #27
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Awonga softies

    Yes I have mate, last year spent a lot of time using flick baits and slug-go's.
    Had a lot of strikes but not convincing ones.Im sure that was more due to how I was presenting them. Didnt help with the gear I was using either, flick baits definantly call for a finesse approach. Soft rods and quality threadlines would be the go.
    Theres some work and on the water development required to get the full benefit of stick baits, nutting out the best retrieve etc.
    But, wheres there's a will, there's a way.

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