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Barra, How far would you go? - Page 2
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Thread: Barra, How far would you go?

  1. #16

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    Luskin no worries at all. We are leaving at the start of novemeber. We will be taking 2 boats my mate shanes 5.1 trailcraft profish 80 hp 4stroke yammy and my new (yet to arrive hopefully in the next fortnight) 4.8 gs marine xtreme 90 hp 4 stroke suzuki. we will have 3 people in each boat and have booked 2 cabins at king ash bay although we will probably camp in the boats 1 to 2 nights. None of us has been there before but shane has been to lemmin bite a few times. shane and i have fished together for about 7 years and our results have ranged from awsome to absolule disasters!! The price of fuel is not too bad if you split it 3 ways and all up the trip should cost about $2000 each and thats for everything including food fuel acoomadation a few beers, we even allow for bushmans in the budget. Thsi does not cover fishing tackle. We fish with hard body lures %90 of the time but will resort to bait when we get desperate!!

  2. #17
    Ausfish Bronze Member luskin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    Sounds great WOB

    Thanks Jimbamb for the heads up on Lenthalls

    Took the wrong trail last time. Came to a T intersection on the dirt doing 80kms

    Was driving a subaru outback with a 435 Honet trophy on back

    Have just upgraded to a T/D triton dual cab



  3. #18

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    Wow what a great responce I guess the rising fuel does have a impact on some of you, but you and me seem to all agree they are the most sort after fish in our dams and rivers and at the end of the day if we get one week a year through saving your penny's then its well worth it!!

    Thanks for your responce

  4. #19

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    P.S at Awoonga in November for a week, can't wait, and this time I am taking my younger brother so he can experiance that feeling we all seem to get hooked on. Can't wait till my son is old enough

  5. #20

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    norwest of tassie to awoonga, how far, dont know
    3.5 hour drive to airport
    3 hour flight
    6 hrs to 1770 (thats as far as I got last trip
    1hr they tell me to awoonga
    who really cares

  6. #21

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    gday t trout
    mate what week in nov are you going.

  7. #22

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    Hi all,

    Well i only live in Gladsone but i think the best that myself and my mates have managed is missing 5 to 10 days fishing in awoonga over a 3mth period a few years ago. This consisted of after work trips weekend trips etc. and i know gladstone to awoonga isnt that far really but you add up a 60 to80 km round trip every day and it soon does, but in the end who cares we go out doing what we all love fishing. In fact i still would be doing similar things but work gets in the way a little more now days >.


  8. #23

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    From the 18th wamjam can't wait

  9. #24

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    Gday t trout
    Hopefully be there 30 of Oct to 4th Nov but no plans for sure yet.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    I'm heading up to Awoonga in Oct from the far south of NSW the trip will take 4 days to get there and I'll be pulling a 12 foot boat! I 'll get 7 days fishing and head back.

    The cost is around $4000 or more. But if I don't go my little girl will kill me as she has been looking forward to the trip. We pay $150 a litre for petrol now in my home town so the cost of the trip is not the point its the fun and good times with the family I think more about. And I my just get to meet a few of you guys!!

    I would leave the boat but the hire cost would kill me!

  11. #26
    Ausfish Platinum Member mylestom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    Yeah the houseboats aren't cheap, and the tinnies at the hire place are real flash.
    Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.

  12. #27

    Re: Barra, How far would you go?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dannyboy
    I'm heading up to Awoonga in Oct from the far south of NSW the trip will take 4 days to get there and I'll be pulling a 12 foot boat! I 'll get 7 days fishing and head back.

    The cost is around $4000 or more. But if I don't go my little girl will kill me as she has been looking forward to the trip. We pay $150 a litre for petrol now in my home town so the cost of the trip is not the point its the fun and good times with the family I think more about. And I my just get to meet a few of you guys!!

    I would leave the boat but the hire cost would kill me!
    Bugger me, Danny, move to Queensland mate, we only be payin' $1.30ish a litre not $150.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

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