Luskin no worries at all. We are leaving at the start of novemeber. We will be taking 2 boats my mate shanes 5.1 trailcraft profish 80 hp 4stroke yammy and my new (yet to arrive hopefully in the next fortnight) 4.8 gs marine xtreme 90 hp 4 stroke suzuki. we will have 3 people in each boat and have booked 2 cabins at king ash bay although we will probably camp in the boats 1 to 2 nights. None of us has been there before but shane has been to lemmin bite a few times. shane and i have fished together for about 7 years and our results have ranged from awsome to absolule disasters!! The price of fuel is not too bad if you split it 3 ways and all up the trip should cost about $2000 each and thats for everything including food fuel acoomadation a few beers, we even allow for bushmans in the budget. Thsi does not cover fishing tackle. We fish with hard body lures %90 of the time but will resort to bait when we get desperate!!