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dead barra
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Thread: dead barra

  1. #1

    dead barra

    we spent the weekend up tinaroo dam and tried our luck on some fishing.. but no good..
    but what we did come accross was 3 dead barra floating, all over a meter in length
    we did ask some of the locals on what they could of died from but no answer to that one.
    another guy said he seen a few dead ones also, is anyone from this area that knows whats going on?
    i know they have had some very cold weather up there, can this be the cause?


  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: dead barra

    Most likely as a result of "catch and release", they dont all happily swim off to fight another day, quite a few limp around for a little while then go belly up.

  3. #3

    Re: dead barra

    I'll say what I said in the Freshwater Reports in Dan's thread, they arnt being released properly!. Its embarrassing and dissapointing to see, we would of come across about half a dozen the whole weekend which were belly up.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
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    Oct 2002

    Re: dead barra

    Did anyone see he fishing show on saterday arvo? That Rod Paca wankus???
    caught 2 nice barra at proserpine then proceeded to talk crap for what seemed an eternity while the poor fish lay out of the water.When finally released they didnt look too healthy,one going belly up before swiming off.
    Its a wonder he couldnt hear me yellin at the tv to get them back in the water.
    Then another galah arrived with one that he had in the boat for ages and released it with a lip gripper in its gob as he waved it around in the water for a long while before releasing it/
    Hope someone who knows him tells him what i think of his effort..
    Glad i got this off my chest!!!!!

  5. #5

    Re: dead barra

    G'Day Daz,

    I have seen dead barra floating at Peter Faust quite a few times, it breaks my heart that these mighty fish are killed in such a way.

    I believe that most releases are made in good faith but unfortunately most do not know how to handle those big fish.

    Any people heading up to the big fish should read the many articles that i have seen on this site to help in the release.

    From what i have seen, and i think it was brought up in the previous post, they tend to keep the fish out of the water to long and/or do not support the fishes weight correctly thus damaging the throat latch.

    Perhaps we should all push for signs to be erected at the boat ramps detailing the correct proceedure for release?

    I have in fact spoken to a few about release on the water but i will have to stop it as it gets me uptight and bloody cranky. >


  6. #6

    Re: dead barra

    Perhaps we should all push for signs to be erected at the boat ramps detailing the correct proceedure for release?


    You bet ya. Along side that there could be pamphlets and stuff like that in order to keep these titan fish in the water. It was embarrasing the to see the number of fish on the weekend belly up, and with summer coming up and all these Cairns novice's trying to fish for them, im afraid it could get worse > .

    Jimbamb - What show was that you were watching? . Great influence on the kid's eh?


  7. #7

    Re: dead barra

    Hey Theo,

    Thats it Mate they are to good to be only caught once, twice etc.

    A couple of years ago i saw another thing at Faust that got me going was the people who kept fish, and are entitled to keep the limit, were just carving off the shoulders a flogging the carcases over the edge of the ramp, that is, the bigger part of the fish was being dumped and oh hell the stench. I would much rather see them still swiming around the weed beds.

    After a while you get to know these people and mate you don't tell them any bloody thing!


  8. #8

    Re: dead barra

    hi guys
    dont doubt that human stupidity is the main cause of mortality , but from what you fellas say it sounds like the bigger fish that are dying ? only a thought but when water oxygen levels drop the big fish tend to die off first

  9. #9

    Re: dead barra

    Quote Originally Posted by jimbamb
    Did anyone see he fishing show on saterday arvo? That Rod Paca wankus???
    caught 2 nice barra at proserpine then proceeded to talk crap for what seemed an eternity while the poor fish lay out of the water.When finally released they didnt look too healthy,one going belly up before swiming off.
    Its a wonder he couldnt hear me yellin at the tv to get them back in the water.
    Then another galah arrived with one that he had in the boat for ages and released it with a lip gripper in its gob as he waved it around in the water for a long while before releasing it/
    Hope someone who knows him tells him what i think of his effort..
    Glad i got this off my chest!!!!!
    That was you, mate???? I thought I heard quite a few blokes.........
    It will be a long time before I watch his crap, after that little 'advert' to release fish carefully.
    Thanks for bringing up.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member mylestom's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: dead barra

    Yeah wasn't impressed on his treatment of the guide either.
    Must have been taken a while back as the boat is the old one from last year.

    Believe he is one of those who can't be told what to do, and if you listen closely to the way the talks to the guide, its a wonder that he was still in the boat after an hour.

    But suppose that is the problem, the customer is always rite, even when he sounds like an idiot.

    The guides on that dam are very concerned about the health of the fish on release and have spent a few days with guide and also time on the day in our rig observing and couldn't fault what they were doing.

    But a customer who is a TV/Media star starts to think his own publicity.

    Listen to guide he will in the majority of cases know the best way for his impoundment.

    Experience is what you are paying for and you are wasting your money if you are not listening.

    We learnt heaps and reckon it was money well spent.

    Wasn't that Rob, PAC your bags, im the best in the business Fishing Australia (with my way or the hwy attitude).

    Some of them are a bit of a joke.
    Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
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    Oct 2002

    Re: dead barra

    Yep" Fishing Aust"
    Lost me forever.Total Galah in my opinion!!!!
    Thank god i wasnt the only one yellin,,, the missus wanted to get me certified till i showed her wat was happenin..

  12. #12

    Re: dead barra

    I've seen the same, lovely big barra floating dead. I have kept and eaten a couple of big barra in my time, but don't feel the need to hold them up in my hands for a photo any more. Release in the water with a quick measure is good enough for me. A bloody big non knotted net is the go, like an environet, dehook and release in the net and go look for another one. or Grips are Ok if just used to steady the head for dehooking, not to lift the fish.
    I yell at the TV too, same with the other show with the two young clowns, if you are going to do a freestyle rap about what bootiful creatures these fish are, do it after they are back home in the water.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member phatty's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Re: dead barra

    He likes to think of himself has a bit of a hero.

    even telling the local guide how to fish the dam.. and he is from victora!

    any guesses to how many of us were yelling at the box that day???

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Re: dead barra

    Guys ,

    Barbless trebles help in quick release and use stronger line to cut the fight time to minimum . Exhausted fish does not stand much of a chance to revive itself let alone if it is left gasping while
    the moviestar talks and talks .

    JonLi .
    It's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble , it's what you know for sure that ain't so .
    Mark Twain .

  15. #15

    Re: dead barra

    thanx Guys for the feedback, it did cross my mind about light gear being used
    it was a damn shame seeing these huge barra floating about


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