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Lenthalls Dam
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Thread: Lenthalls Dam

  1. #1

    Lenthalls Dam

    Hi fellow ausfishers

    It has come to my attention that people dont abide by the rules for this dam. It has a speed limit of 6 knots and to my recollection outboards no bigger than 6 hp. Lots of poeple arnt abiding by this rules. Lenthalls dam has very soft banks and erode very easly. Lenthalls dam is a very important dam not just for the water storage for maryborough and hervy bay but is a EXTREMLY important dam for the bass fishing. In my opinion Lenthalls is the best bass dam in queensland. I would hate to see the Department of fisheries close this dam because of lunitics breaking this rules for this dam.

    Just want to see whats your verdict on this topic?

    regards scoocer101

  2. #2

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    you rite,been a few topics about this subject.the authorities seem not to mind the larger boats/motors being used,but the rat bags who speed on the dam.every visit i make to lenthalls i always witness atleast one idiot if not more,hate to see it shut down,cheers,casta.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    Hi Scoocer101,

    Would have to agree with you on this one some of the boofheads I see on this dam exceeding speed limits is quite concerning. Then again these are the sort of cretins that have little respect for any laws .When this great little dam is closed due to this stupidity these types will have little or no concern for the reason why, they will just move on to another venue and do exactly the same things they have always done until they destroy it as well.



  4. #4

    Re: Lenthalls Dam


    I fished there Saturday morning.
    There was a crew of boats fishing together (either just knew each other or some small comp) - everyone's motors were above the size limit, however they all just putted around doing their own thing and having fun.
    Other individuals cruised the main arm then open it up once out of sight.

    I agree this is a beautiful stretch of water that I'd hate to see closed.

    I fish it in a canoe with an electric motor, and leave the big boat at home.

    Have a good one - ( p.s only one 63 cm barra for sat )

    nil carborundum illegitimi

  5. #5

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    I agree i think that bigger moitoers should be aloud as long as they are sticking to the speed limit. Take it slow and have a great time.

  6. #6

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    Good to see u agree with me. Thanks all for posting your opinions.

    regards scoocer101

  7. #7

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    year boys the bigger ones are ok but report the one the use them to there full power, no need for it, the fish are everywhere and unless they want to join them when they collect a log they should be fined and slowed down.
    cheers TT

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member Roo's Avatar
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    Jun 2005

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    I can see you point about Horsepower limits but the flipside is the part that these dams play in atttracting the tourist dollar is something worth considering. By all means a fixed speed limit should be Strictly enforced but a HP limit would exclude a lot of potential dollars being spent at local businesses by people not visting. I am heading up to the area myself next week and I would like to fish lenthalls but I had read somewhere about the HP limit and changed plans to go to monduran instead

    next year should be no probs as I'm planning to get a canoe but for this year my 4.55m poly and 50hp will head further north

    Cheers, Roo.

  9. #9

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    I fish lenthall's from a canoe and a kayak. there simply is no better way to enjoythis dam than that. IMHO

    Up most of the arms there is lots of real skinny water with lots of structure and plenty of fish but y'all just can't get to em in a power boat.

    allmost every time I go there, there is at least one half-wit trying to do 30+ knots. i hate the basterds.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    Come on Mick, tell us how you really feel

    It's not that hard though surely, why do people feel the need to do light speed, surely they miss the point in being in such a lovely place like Lenthals, slow down, enjoy the scenery.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Bronze Member Kayak1's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    I'd have no qualms at dobbing in offenders. Do you want the few idiots to spoil it for the many as usually happens? Who would the best authority to report to though? Local Shire? Dept of Transport? DPI and Fisheries? Maybe a cross reference check on SIP's could occur at the same time.
    Just a couple of thoughts.

    Cheers Steve.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member Kayak1's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    Oh, by the way, I favour speed limits as apposed to horsepower limits. Pretty expensive to modify a rig for different situations. We don't all have enough $$$$ for a rig for each situation. Wish but...


  13. #13

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    Qld Police are a good start. they have all of the powers of the DPI inspectors but unless they actually catch the offender in the act they will need you to provide a sworn statement ( and be prepared to back your statement in court later on, if necessary)

    They will need particulars like time, date place. estimated speed of vessel and if you felt what they were doing was dangerous.Description of boat & rego No. Number & description of occupants etc is also a big help.

    Karl, if I said how I really feel about em I would go on here for another 500 words, not use the same insult or swear word twice and would probably be banned from this fine site.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    Nice photo mick, is the canoe a DYI job as well?

  15. #15

    Re: Lenthalls Dam

    yeh i definetly agree with Kayak1, speedlimits make so much more sense compared to horsepower limits. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

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