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Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls dam
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Thread: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls dam

  1. #1

    Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls dam

    Notice of Special Meeting to be held on the 21st August.

    There is a meeting to be held on the 21st August 2006 by arrangement of the President, Secretary, and Treasurer, to address the coming “Five year management plan” between the D. P. I and the Fraser Coast Fish Stocking Association.

    This will include: a) Addressing the desired fishery: Multiple fish fishery or single fish fishery.
    b) Addressing the type of fish.

    This information is to be used by the D. P. I as part of the new stocking permit issued to F. C. F. S. A by the D. P. I and will be implemented in the new “Five Year Management Plan”. Chris Lupton of the D. P. I will attend and chair the meeting.

    (Information supplied by Fraser Coast Fish Stocking Association.)

    As you see there is a meeting held on the 21st of August and I believe that the public should have a say on the future fishery at Lenthalls Dam.

    If you fish or intend to fish Lenthalls dam please express your opinion on the board before Monday the 21st of August so we can pass this information to the stocking group and D P I at the meeting.


    This is your future fishery

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    I fish Lenthalls but unfortunatly can't make meeting. My preference is that Lenthalls remains a duel fishery for bass and barra stocking. Discussion from these boards suggests that there is not an issue stocking these two species togeather.
    The Bass are a great by catch when fishing for barra (and likewise barra when fishing for bass on light gear).
    If DPI&F have a legit reason not to go down this track then fair enough I guess - but hopefully they present the facts.

    PS Hows the camping area there coming along

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls


    I for one would like Lenthalls duel stocked with Bass and Barra they survive very well together at Monduran dam so why not Lenthalls. Lenthalls is a great dam as it is very close to Brisbane and my family love it also as it is very close to Hevey Bay for the side of the family that doesn't enjoy fishing.
    They can go swimming whale watching or whatever it is they wish to do, Yep a HUGE DUEL STOCKING YES FROM ME.

    Steve (BOMBER) Brown

  4. #4

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    G'Day Dan, I too would like to see Lenthalls as a duel fish impoundment (Bass/Barra).where abouts is the meeting going to be held on the off chance of going to the meeting, certainly wish to see a duel fishery for the future, Cheers Whitto

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member mylestom's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    The stocking of both species Bass and Barra would be the ideal way to go.
    They survive very well together in Monduran.
    Believe it would provide more opportunities that stocking one only species.
    There is a multitude of bass only impoundments. Believe that if it had to go one species only, then barra would be your best option.
    However still stick with dual species.
    Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.

  6. #6

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    I buy my SIP and tick Lenthalls (as well as a couple of others). Please continue to supply me with the closest Barramundi fishery to Brisbane. Tourist operators in the region should look at the Boom happening at Lake Awoonga at the moment. Try to get a cabin at Benaraby at the moment!! For my time and money, if I want Bass I'll go to Wivenhoe or Somerset or Moogerah or Maroon or Hinze or Boondooma or Borumba or Bjelke Petersen or North Pine or MacDonald or Clarrie Hall or Lenthalls. The oportunity to mix a Barra with my Bass only occurs at one of the above, which is what will keep me going there.
    A Stocking Group is supposed to provide a fishery for the majority of anglers utilising the resource, not for the majority of members on the executive of the Stocking Group. Any people who regularly fish Lenthalls, as I do, should put their hand up and volunteer to help the hard working, often unappreciated, Stocking Group, as I will. Executive committee; please continue to use the money that I give you, to continue to develop the Barra and Bass fishery you have.

    One last rant and I'm gone, What the bloody hell gives DPI & F the right to announce that his is giving "grants" to Stocking Groups for native fish fingerlings!! DPI & F are distributing the money raised from the SIP scheme in the manner legislated after requests from the general angling community. It's not a bloody grant you boffins at DPI & F, its our bloody money that you collect and distribute for US!

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  7. #7

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    Dan, for those who have an intrest but for reasons are unable to attend, is there a form to fill in or someone to send to information on what those people wish that will be taken into consideration?
    Eat well, drink in moderation, exercise often and yet you still die anyway!

  8. #8
    Ausfish New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    I fish Lenthalls (not enough mind you) I go there for the awesome bass fishing as it is in my opinion be the best bass dam in the country. I do enjoy barra fishing but I can go an extra hour up the road to Monduran or further a field to the likes of Awoonga and Teemburra. So I guess what I am saying is that I prefer Bass to be the main species over Barra in Lenthalls. So thats my opinion.


  9. #9
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Feb 2004

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    Quote Originally Posted by whykickacatalong
    Dan, for those who have an intrest but for reasons are unable to attend, is there a form to fill in or someone to send to information on what those people wish that will be taken into consideration?
    Al just post your thoughts here and Danny will print them out for the meeting mate.

  10. #10

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    Al as dasher said

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
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    Oct 2002

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    count me in for duel stocking.Its a great place to take families.Thats what everyone wants ,give the little fellas a chance to catch small fighting fish and dad and mum an odd Barra..

  12. #12

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls


    I am with everyone else here on the forum I would love for Lenthalls to continue as a duel fishery.

    As you and any other members who attend regular meetings of this association should be aware I have already tried to express my gratitude to this association, in writing, and had the mispleasure of being called a liar by 2 of your office bearers of this association.

    I have worked within the fishing industry for over 10 years and NEVER have I been treated or indeed ACCUSED in this manner before.

    I strongly urge anyone who attends this meeting to seriously look at the way you HIGH office bearers conduct the business of the club and more importantly how they respond to letters of CONGRATULATIONS, to the ASSOCIATONS MEMEBERS, on the great work the members such as yourself have put in to making Lenthalls the fishery it is today ,and will be in the future.

    Please keep up the great work that has been going into Lenthalls in the past few years, it allows us crazy fishos here in South East Queensland great access to two of our best sportsfish.

    Also please let those high office bearers of the association also know that without the support of GENUINE fishos from across this state (and NSW) they may not need to worry about having a meeting such as this.

    In closing I may also mention that if in the future they wish to make slanderous comments at a public meeting about my character I will be quite happy to pass on to them personally, my solicitors number.

    I wish all you guys the very best at the meeting , keep up the great work, FOR THE REAL FISHOS.

    Yours sincerely

    Pete Cherrett

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member Awoonga's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    Yes ....Duel fishery please.....Trevor
    Kids need models, more than they need critics."
    "In youth we learn; in age we understand."
    "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand

  14. #14
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    Leave it as one of QLD's premier Bass fisheries.

    Stock more Bass and smaller numbers of Barra !

    There may be other great Bass dams to fish but nothing like it is there now.

    And within the next five years if we do not get rain Lenthalls may be the only dam with Lillies to cast at

    P.S. Dan, where is the meeting and can anyone attend ? And do you have an Email address for Chris Lupton of the D. P. I.

  15. #15

    Re: Important!!!!!,The furture plan for lenthalls

    Definately a duel fishery. I think that Bass should receive the larger stockings/$$$ but the Barra should be made as a significant contribution as well, say 70% Bass 30% Barra. I would also like to see Saratoga put in but I guess that is out of your control.
    Eat well, drink in moderation, exercise often and yet you still die anyway!

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