Gold Member
Waruma Dam Fish Kill
I just returned from a work trip up through Gympie, Monto & Bilo with just enough time to stop at Waruma Dam.
After reading a report a few weeks back about a massive fish kill caused by low water & oxygen levels, I thought I would check out what was happening there.
I was pleasantly surprised that the Dam still looks reasonably healthy under the dyer curcumstances.
The turtles & bird life are still present & there was only a few dozen remaining dead fish on the bank from the past kill.
I'm not saying there isnt anything to worry about & further fish kills are certainly on the cards, but at least there is hope!
I would hope that members of the fish stocking groups can come together with a stratogy & some SIP funds to better manage the remainder of the fish stocks in Waruma.
The place is amazing & well worth looking after, we are lucky to have it!
If there is anyone from the area who is involved with the stocking group, please contact me as I would love to help improve the water quality out there untill rain prevails.
Paul Topp
P.M me or email wenopump@bigpond.net.au
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Ausfish Silver Member
Gold Member
Re: Waruma Dam Fish Kill
Gavin, I know what you mean mate, such a waste!
All of the hard work & years it takes to grow these fish out to the size they are now.
All for nothing but to wath them die slowly!
One thing I noticed was that all the fish had died with there mouths open, must have been because they suffered a slow traumatic death gasping for every breath!
Lets hope there is others out there who care enough to step up & do something.
Ausfish Platinum Member
Re: Waruma Dam Fish Kill
where is waruma dam and do u think that there are still plenty of barra left in there
Ausfish Silver Member
Re: Waruma Dam Fish Kill
Nuggstar wuruma dam is located on the burnett hwy. Its north of Eidvold.
Toppy its such a shame about those barra. Can u imagin the money spent on stocking that dam. What a way for those barra to die, a slow painful death. Its just not right. Hey toppy did they removed any of the live barra in there before the fish kill??
regards gavin
Gold Member
Re: Waruma Dam Fish Kill
No mate I was all geared up to go & help but no one seemed to give a rip so I have just been keeping an eye on it myself.
I originally went there to fish a week before the fish kill but the Dam had already rolled over & shutting down any chance of catching fish.
I had emailed the premier & had some media interested in what was happening there but everyone else just fissled out.
Its interesting the way that Cania dam is flowing again now the election is over, I asumed that would happen tho!
The fish stocking groups & fishing community need to wake up & either buy some of the water to keep it in there or install bubblers & adjitators to keep up the water quality while its low.
After all it yours & my money that stocked it, so are we just going to stand back & let those poor bastards waste away for nothing.
Then it will need to be stocked again & it will be 5-10 years before we can catch fish of this size.
Waruma is but the first this summer, take a look at the low water levels in QFM each month.
I counted 9 dams in dyer need of water soon, some like somerset are at the back door of a major population like Brisbane.
How many Impoundment fish kills will it take before something is implemented.
Its time to act now, if we wait another few months it may be too late for Atkinson,Bjelke,Callide,Cania,Cressbrook,Leslie,Ma roon,Moogerah,Peter Faust & there are plenty more around 30% & dropping fast.
There is Millions of dollars at stake here just in the stocking of the fish we dream of catching.
People say in years to come there will be wars over water, I'm starting to believe it!
Ausfish Gold Member
Re: Waruma Dam Fish Kill
Hows about when you get your next sip permit, instead of ticking the boxes, write on the form that you want your money to be put towards preserving minimum water levels or aerators etc etc. The money is supposed to be allocated where we want it and for the improvement of our stocked impoundments. With the huge amount of revenue being raised through this scheme there must be something that can be done with our money.
Gold Member
Re: Waruma Dam Fish Kill
Thats a bloody good idea Dave, I could'nt agree more!
Ausfish Gold Member
Re: Waruma Dam Fish Kill
Just bringing this back to the top as I reckon it should be read by as many people as possible. We have well over 14000 members here, there must be at least one that knows someone involved in the managment of the SIP scheme. Maybe they could find out if it is possible to divert some funds into any of these 'non fingerling' projects. Any government workers here want to do a little inside research??
Ausfish New Member
Re: Waruma Dam Fish Kill
I am the vice president of the Wuruma Dam Restocking association and believe me we, like every other restocking club are not sitting on our BUTS and doing nothing about this situation.
The governing body of restocking groups and with all our support have had procedures continuously aimed at the appropiate people in goverment for some years now trying very hard to get them to see how much money is being lost not only we as restocking groups but you as fisherpeople and the communities are losing from these fish kills. which have been going on for years.
The fishing industry is a very big money maker and one day they, the government will see this and this is when we will see the things we have been hoping for for so long.
As for the fish kill, I will add it is not only a low water dam that will roll and kill fish.
It can happen and does happen in an apparently healthy dam.
We are looking into aeroation systems for dams - very very expensive but it would help we all believe.
As for what is happening now with Wuruma's fish, there probably arn't any barra left alive, we would like to think there are, but they are such sooks when it comes to a small upset in their enviourment.
There was no time for a rescue as it all happened to quick and were no signs that anything was going wrong. Another thing about rescueing barra is the big ones are extremely difficult to relocate being their size and not everyone has big enough keepers to transport them in and the ones we have in our boats are no where big enough. Oxygen would be required and finally WHERE WOULD YOU PUT THEM - WHO HAS ENOUGH WATER CLOSE BY.
Bass and goldens were minimally effected by the depleted oxygen, which has returned to normal now.
Rain is what we desperately need, and no matter how much we yell at the government, they cannot make it rain !
We are extremely sad that we lost these barra, I hope some are still alive, but it will take some 3 or 5 years to get on top again.
I write for Bush n Beach fishing mag and have been trying to let everyone know how the dam is going.
Gold Member
Re: Waruma Dam Fish Kill
Thanks Dave & Helen for adding to this post, I am very glad to hear from someone involved in this dam.
I was'nt aware of anything being written in the mags about this whole tragic loss of fish stocks. I hope there is more to come!
It sounds like you have had an uphill battle with the departments responsible for these matters. I have to say Helen you are not alone on this issue & think that there are more people out there who will pitch in & help.
I know many people from Gold Coast, Brisbane, Kingaroy etc that I,m sure would love to fish this dam again & would help if asked.
There has been posts written about this pass the buck attitude that comes out when its not a priority for the councils & governmet to do something.
It will be years still before they take enough notice of us as a group & to listen to our problems with a sympathetic ear. Its my belief that if we want this to happen we need to do it ourselfs. Helen you mentioned that Airators were expensive but what is the cost of a dam full of 1mtr barra?
Does the stocking association have a budget for airation if it were viable?
If so, I am offering my help & skills to this cause & I know it will be a worth while one.
So please feel free to contact me as I know that we can drum up support from private companies also wanting to be a part of this.
Kind Regards
Ausfish Bronze Member
Re: Waruma Dam Fish Kill
i hook on to one of those barra's last year in that same spot where they are dead on the bank so cut i lost the barra
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