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Thread: Nth Pine Dam Surface Lures

  1. #16

    Re: Nth Pine Dam Surface Lures

    Well Done Shayne

    Hope it's the first of many

    It is certainly a fantastic way to catch Bass



  2. #17

    Re: Nth Pine Dam Surface Lures

    Headed up the river last night to give the poppers a try.

    As the sun started to go down the kookaburras and the cicadas started up and fish started to show on the surface ... things were looking good

    about five minutes later the storm hit.

    spent the next half hour sitting in the kayak under a tree until I decided it wasn't going to stop

    needless to say billy bass and his mates had made themselves scarce when the downpour started

    paddled back to the car in time to watch a ute actually drive into the river and start heading upstream to the dam wall >

    seasoned fishing experts will be able to predict what happened next... it stopped raining just as I finished putting the yak on the roof rack


  3. #18

    Re: Nth Pine Dam Surface Lures

    Great minds huh? I got as far as putting the yak on the car, looked at the sky and decided to check BOM site. Nearly caught up with you for that paddle.

  4. #19

    Re: Nth Pine Dam Surface Lures


    Interested in a night fish this weekend?

    It's been a hard first week on my hols, I mean getting up at 4am to go and play with the bass


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