MMMM...No pm needed...Yes uneducated answer and yes Not Logical...Thats one thing that l ain,t Logical....Your first post was about the sales pitch ...Saying that the salesman was telling you to upgrade your hooks/splitrings.... the guy was trying to help you !!! Next you state that the major lure brands hardware are ok So why do most of us change them ???...Because most of us have lost fish because of the hardware that they come standard with...Why do we tell the guys that ask here on Ausfish what to do what to use ???.We are trying to help the average joe blow that fishers inpoundments....Giving them the best chance possible....As you can see by most of the guys that answered you post they change there hardware... McCod. Set the hook... Witto all good fisherman....So you can keep the standard hardware thats fine...But it will happen..... sure as will lose fish....the odds are in the fishers favour......