For many of you this event needs no Introduction, you already look upon it with much disgust like I do, the sole reason being the slaughter of many a fish. For those of you that have never heard of the Tinaroo Barra Bash, you also might want to have some Input into this thread so I will give you a brief low-down on how it is run. The Barra Bash is a Comp which is held in the warmer months of the year (October, November). It is always run on a Full Moon and is a Weekend Event, from 5pm on a Friday afternoon till 11am on the Sunday.
The drawcard to this Comp is the big bustling Tinaroo Barra, and there is usually a fair roll up of people who have the mindset of capturing a 50lb’er and putting her on Ice, before weighing her in at the weigh in station and praying tensely that they win a prize for that fish/s. They have the daily Big Barra winner for Saturday and Sunday, as well as Senior Mens, Womens, Juniors, Mystery Weight and cop this… Smallest to Legal (58cm). For the Mens, Womens etc Division, it is a combined weight of your 2 Barra for the weekend that will see you win one of these Categories, or you might strike it lucky and just have the 1 fish and win it on that. What happens to these fine fish you may ask? If you are the ‘Proud’ owner of them, you are quite free to take them home, otherwise I am told that they are used as Fertilizer. A great waste…
It doesn’t stop there. It is also run the same way for Sooties, Sleepy Cod, Archer Fish, Mouth Almighty, Tilapia, Redclaw etc, though it is not a combined weight (Except for Tilapia) – Biggest fish wins. This years Barra Bash was hailed as one of the ‘Best’ to date, with just over 80 Barramundi weighed in, and a hell of a lot of Sooties etc to be weighed in ( I Forget the figures… perhaps someone can fill us in on them). There has been quite a lot of controversy over the Barra Bash ever since it first started, just like all other Cull Comps in this country, but it’s fair to say that this one is fairly well known around the State. The Barra Bash plays an Important Economical role to the Tablelands, and is a great family fishing weekend for all involved. A lot of time and effort goes into organising it, and I commend those involved. They run a good event, however there is one area where they could approve upon. Read on…
As far as I see it, no-one wants to see the event get banned or stopped, as this is the only event (Family Event) held on Tinaroo apart from the ABT which visits once a year. Change is being called for, from a Cullfest (Where people win, but the fishery loses), to a C&R Comp (Where people win, and so does the Fishery). Tinaroo is being over-run with the noxious fish Tilapia, and with the removal of these Big Barra we are creating a wonderful Environment for the Tilapia. And if the Lake did not contain Tilapia, we would be losing out on Record Fish, instead killing them because a few people are worried about the smaller 300mm fingerlings being Cannibalised (Which is just a theory, may I add). Recent stocking of these 300mm fingerlings show that they are rapidly gaining growth fast, and are out numbering other generations of Barra by a great deal. The people involved in the stocking are doing a wonderful job stocking this Dam let me tell you, they work extremely hard for very little thanks. Though The Barra Bash focus’s on one Important aspect, that’s Research and what shape the Fishery is in. Though do we really need to rob Tinaroo of hundreds of fish per year, to ask ourselves if the fishery is doing well? Do we need to slice open hundreds of fish per year for research, on top of the probable hundreds that our Advisors take out? Perhaps a few per year, but the death of hundred of fish per year is just leaving a big gap, leaving Tinaroo quite short of its full potential.
Got plenty more to write trust me, but for the time being Id like to hear some of your views on this issue, without any ‘Internet Clashes’, like the one I saw on the W/end. One other point of C&R Id like to raise later is the netting, handing and releasing of these fish. Feel free to have your say in the pole, though posting your views would be of more value.