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Tinaroo Barra Bash
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Thread: Tinaroo Barra Bash

  1. #1

    Tinaroo Barra Bash

    For many of you this event needs no Introduction, you already look upon it with much disgust like I do, the sole reason being the slaughter of many a fish. For those of you that have never heard of the Tinaroo Barra Bash, you also might want to have some Input into this thread so I will give you a brief low-down on how it is run. The Barra Bash is a Comp which is held in the warmer months of the year (October, November). It is always run on a Full Moon and is a Weekend Event, from 5pm on a Friday afternoon till 11am on the Sunday.

    The drawcard to this Comp is the big bustling Tinaroo Barra, and there is usually a fair roll up of people who have the mindset of capturing a 50lb’er and putting her on Ice, before weighing her in at the weigh in station and praying tensely that they win a prize for that fish/s. They have the daily Big Barra winner for Saturday and Sunday, as well as Senior Mens, Womens, Juniors, Mystery Weight and cop this… Smallest to Legal (58cm). For the Mens, Womens etc Division, it is a combined weight of your 2 Barra for the weekend that will see you win one of these Categories, or you might strike it lucky and just have the 1 fish and win it on that. What happens to these fine fish you may ask? If you are the ‘Proud’ owner of them, you are quite free to take them home, otherwise I am told that they are used as Fertilizer. A great waste…

    It doesn’t stop there. It is also run the same way for Sooties, Sleepy Cod, Archer Fish, Mouth Almighty, Tilapia, Redclaw etc, though it is not a combined weight (Except for Tilapia) – Biggest fish wins. This years Barra Bash was hailed as one of the ‘Best’ to date, with just over 80 Barramundi weighed in, and a hell of a lot of Sooties etc to be weighed in ( I Forget the figures… perhaps someone can fill us in on them). There has been quite a lot of controversy over the Barra Bash ever since it first started, just like all other Cull Comps in this country, but it’s fair to say that this one is fairly well known around the State. The Barra Bash plays an Important Economical role to the Tablelands, and is a great family fishing weekend for all involved. A lot of time and effort goes into organising it, and I commend those involved. They run a good event, however there is one area where they could approve upon. Read on…

    As far as I see it, no-one wants to see the event get banned or stopped, as this is the only event (Family Event) held on Tinaroo apart from the ABT which visits once a year. Change is being called for, from a Cullfest (Where people win, but the fishery loses), to a C&R Comp (Where people win, and so does the Fishery). Tinaroo is being over-run with the noxious fish Tilapia, and with the removal of these Big Barra we are creating a wonderful Environment for the Tilapia. And if the Lake did not contain Tilapia, we would be losing out on Record Fish, instead killing them because a few people are worried about the smaller 300mm fingerlings being Cannibalised (Which is just a theory, may I add). Recent stocking of these 300mm fingerlings show that they are rapidly gaining growth fast, and are out numbering other generations of Barra by a great deal. The people involved in the stocking are doing a wonderful job stocking this Dam let me tell you, they work extremely hard for very little thanks. Though The Barra Bash focus’s on one Important aspect, that’s Research and what shape the Fishery is in. Though do we really need to rob Tinaroo of hundreds of fish per year, to ask ourselves if the fishery is doing well? Do we need to slice open hundreds of fish per year for research, on top of the probable hundreds that our Advisors take out? Perhaps a few per year, but the death of hundred of fish per year is just leaving a big gap, leaving Tinaroo quite short of its full potential.

    Got plenty more to write trust me, but for the time being Id like to hear some of your views on this issue, without any ‘Internet Clashes’, like the one I saw on the W/end. One other point of C&R Id like to raise later is the netting, handing and releasing of these fish. Feel free to have your say in the pole, though posting your views would be of more value.


  2. #2

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    Its not that tricky, pics on a brag matt with a special comp specific card in the pic, length replacing weight as criteria, no fish to be weighed (except pest species such as tilapia), problem solved!!!!!!!


  3. #3

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    The fishing comp at Lake Moondarra is c & r, but is also a weigh in. A set of scales with a special stainless steel cradle for weighing the fish, as well as a fish harnesses to bring the large ones up to the weigh station are used.
    This year the largest barra went 122cm and weighed in at approx 26kg, and not only was it successfully photographed and released, so were several others of a similar size.
    As per the regs, each competitor can weigh in one dead barra, as that is the limit, but very few are and almost everything is released (including catfish).
    You can have your cake and eat it. If people know that they have to keep them alive they will. Large eskies and aerators, as well as submersible pumps that can be lowered a meter or so down (water was about 34Deg C at the surface this year) to get the cool water make sure the survival rate is high.


  4. #4

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    Tineroo is not a natural environment and is stocked regularly so what is the problem with catch and keep? As long as the stocking groups don't mind of course. But they are mean't to taste like crap so what is the point of keeping them?

    From my understanding, small fingerlings released into tineroo were not surviving, prob due to mouth almighty and other fish eating them. Now that 300mm fingerlings are being stocked, a clear generation gap can now be seen amoung the fish. Seems pretty straight forward to me, the bigger the fingerling the more chance of survival. Also this means each fish is more expensive.

    Lots of people show up to see the strung up barra. Not so many would show up to see photos.
    There is no scientific evidence that states that taking the big barra out will help the general tineroo fishery. This comp is therefore using the dead 1+barra as a focal point to make money.


  5. #5

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    Mathias, I take your point, but many of these fish "hung" for public display would have been released if there was no weigh in. My view is the overall impact is adverse. I place the longterm fishery above an afternoon of public "entertainment", not saying you are wrong, i just have differant views. Public "hangings" have allways been croud pleasers, but not so popular with the victims.


  6. #6

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    Showing the public it is ok to take 1+ fish may give the wrong message I suppose. In the pics I've seen there are families with heaps of kids admireing the big fish. These kids might be better shown catch and release.

    Though if these fish tasted good I would have no problem with keeping them, it's just there is not much use if no-one eats them.


  7. #7

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    Everyone has digital cameras (don't tell me people taking part in these events can't scrounge up $80 for a camera) and as has been said above a few shots on a brag mat with verification in the background, couldn't be easier.

    They are too good to catch once.

    Regards Cameron.

  8. #8

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    yo, cam, i.m hearin ya!!


  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member mylestom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    Manage your fish stock for the future, not just for today.

    Your children and your grand children will only thank you in the long run.

    Also what is the point in bringing in fish that will not win, possibly ring in a check the size of fish to see if it is worthwhile.

    Myself as a fishing competition organiser, I personally believe it is only time before most competition will become Catch and Release.

    While some fish species do not lend themselves to this type of competition, then they will be eliminated from the comp or have a special sponsor to enable a category for them.

    The government in NSW is already looking at the way competition are run, and with the all states now reviewing their status. It is up to competition organisers to look at their current format and see how it can be improved.

    I am sure that the vast majority of competitions are already doing this and feel confident that in the long run that a lot of the classes if not whole comps will convert to some if not all Catch and Release.

    This is only one persons opinion and am sure everyone is entitled to theirs.

    Enjoy your fishing, but remember it is the future of fishing that we should be all be thinking about.



    Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.

  10. #10

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    Thankyou for your input guys, much appreciated.

    Boomi Boy - Your right on the money mate, however it's not as easy as it may seem. Obviously pic's of the fish on a brag mate with a special comp card and all is most definetely the way to go, but the life of all fish would still be in question, as many anglers up here would most likely have no clue of how to properly net, handle, measure and release a fish. I wouldn't mind betting that quite a few of the people that fish the Barra Bash, are mad keen on gaffing all their fish - I have heard the word 'Gaff' quite alot when Im around the Lake or Tackle Shops, and it frightens the life out of me. Education is needed to show these people how to handle a fish properly at Tinaroo and all QLD Impoundments. It would be hard work and time consuming I know, but you don't get a World Class fishery without hard work.

    Id like to hear more opinions on this, so get typing!

  11. #11

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    Cheers TT,

    Maybe a "briefing" before the comp that incudes some handling tips, or a sheet with handling tips given out with the entry forms???

    One thing I have confidence in is the "new" generation rec fishos. The younger brigade are on average much more in tune with sustainable fishing than my generation. The future is in good hands. The once a year fishos may never get the bigger picture, but the young blokes I see/hear/talk to and read mostly are far better educated and informed than we ever were. The beauty of this is I believe they will DEMAND changes as they move into more senior positions in clubs, comp organisations, and so on.
    Just hope theres some water in the dams for their efforts to be rewarded.


  12. #12

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    Some one is going to bite me
    I think the catch and release system is going to come back to haunt fisho's within 10 year, more so in comps. Dont get me wrong I also dont agree with weighing dead fish either, probably dont like the idea of comps either. Some members on this site say that this idea should not see the light of day on any public forum as it only gives ammo for those that would choose to use it against fisho's. Dont know how it can be rephrase but the term C & R should be done away with because the anti fishing movement is already using to bann types of fishing in other countries

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    Understand where you are coming from, and certainly a valid point.
    However, PETA and other extreme idiots are going after fishing PERIOD.
    They have all the ammo in the world already, and if we take away catch and release, we may as well take away catch also.
    The Marlin will dissappear, as will the Trout, the Barra, Snapper and just about every other species we all love to fish for.
    Its fair to say fishing, as a lifestyle is under a serious threat from the insane, who are well backed financially, and have some big names on their books.
    We are in their sights..................its only a matter of time.
    Probably the hardest fight we'll ever get.

  14. #14

    Re: Tinaroo Barra Bash

    Well said Jas.

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