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Thread: Perfect poached egg

  1. #46
    Ausfish Platinum Member bdowdy's Avatar
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    Oct 2005

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    freeeedom im coming to your place for brekky that looks awesome. good work cheers bdowdy

  2. #47

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    Quote Originally Posted by rando
    Now here is the real deal on Poached Googs.

    If you want a good poached egg , the egg has to be FRESH. laid today for preference

    The water must be deep enough so that the egg does not sit on the pan.

    the water must be" fizzing "( like gentle champagne bubbles,,,, not a rolling boil )
    good pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons quality vinegar.

    Dont make a vortex( that only throws egg white everywhwere)

    GENTLY tip your egg in and cover the pan.
    Thats all folks!!
    I did exactly this Rando, and got the PERFECT egg. I can see the point of the vortex but its not necessary.
    Now why did I get this old before learning how to cook bloody eggs?

  3. #48

    Re: Perfect poached egg


    I'm a convert for your egg poaching style. Have tried it a few times now. Found the first couple I left 'in the shell' too long for the preheat and had the egg white cooking on the inside of the shell. 10- 15 seconds worked well for me.

    Dropping them into the centre of the vortex also works well in keeping the white all together.

    Thanks for the good tip.


    Quote Originally Posted by Freeeedom
    I LOVE a good poached egg - the trouble is that a lot of the eggs you buy these days are not the freshest, so you have to get around this.
    Here is my method after thousands of trials and years of research -works almost all the time (unless the egg is VERY stale).
    Place the frying pan on the heat and fill with water to at least 3 cm deep. Add a teaspoon of salt (for taste) and 2 tablespoons of vinegar (to help set the egg proteins more quickly). When the water has come to a good boil place your egg(s) into the water (still in the shell) and gently roll them around in the boiling water for 20 seconds. This starts to solidify the white (in a less than fresh egg and helps the egg stay together when you break it into the water). Turn the heat down to low. After 20 seconds remove the egg(s) and stir the water in the pan to create the whirlpool effect. Break the eggs one at a time into the middle of the vortex. When all the eggs are in the pan turn off the heat and cover the pan with a tight fitting lid. Leave untouched for 3-5 minutes (depending on how you like your eggs) while you cook your toast. Lift out the egg(s) onto the hot buttered toast, top with a touch of tomato sauce and slice or two of parmesan cheese shavings and enjoy! Heaven!!!!
    Cheers Freeeedom

  4. #49

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    what a crackup.....

    the perfect egg

  5. #50
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    Quote Originally Posted by szopen
    Stumbled onto this.


    Works very well.
    I tried the cling wrap approached described in SZOPEN's post, it worked for me as well, and the added bonus is that it is also easy to clean up after, just throw the used wrap away, and your left with a saucepan of clean hot water. Brilliant.

  6. #51
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    Are you blokes for real! I've never seen so much said about a couple of poached eggs on a chat board and particularly one titled "Camping Chat"

    So what do we talk about around the camp fire, "oh yes, I made the most beautiful poached eggs this morning"

    The conversation should perhaps be more about "I caught the biggest fish"

    PS - you need really fresh eggs for your poached eggs by the way

  7. #52

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    G'day all, i have read all this,and found it intersesting (SP) now this morning i tried to make some poached eggs, got water boiling put vinegar in, swerl the water and so on, but when i put the egg in. the egg white seperated from the yoke i did this with a few eggs and same thing..........what did i do wrong???? after reading all the ways you guys have been doing it i was thinking, surely cant be that hard..............boy was i wrong................any tips?

  8. #53
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    I think you need fresh eggs. Have the water in the pan fairly hot, bubbling,not boiling.

    just because you bought the eggs from the shop doesn't mean they are fresh. Take a drive in the country, buy some really fresh eggs. Or better still, get some chooks.


  9. #54
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    Yeah - agree 100%. If the white separates from the yolk and the water looks like a bowl of milk then your egg was stale. I get my eggs from a local fruit shop that sells free range eggs and they're pretty good most of the time, but I still get the odd stale one.
    I had a look at the
    web site. Turned me right off - looked like a used condom.
    To me it's important that the water be in direct contact with the egg during poaching so that the salt and the vinegar can do their thing during the cooking so that you get that beautiful combination of flavours in the final product
    Cheers Freeeedom

  10. #55

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    Quote Originally Posted by seajay1
    I think you need fresh eggs. Have the water in the pan fairly hot, bubbling,not boiling.

    just because you bought the eggs from the shop doesn't mean they are fresh. Take a drive in the country, buy some really fresh eggs. Or better still, get some chooks.

    ok, got me some new chooks, now waiting for the eggs,

    PS: how long do i have to wait

  11. #56
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    I suppose it depends on how big they are. Sometimes when you get day old chooks you have to wait around 5 months for them to lay!

    But the ones we got now lay almost every day.


  12. #57

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    Those chooks laid any eggs yet??
    I reckon the sales of cackle berries went throught the roof beacuse of this post

  13. #58

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    Quote Originally Posted by Jack_Ass
    Those chooks laid any eggs yet??
    LOL, not as yet J/A, they are a bit young me thinks, another month or two i hope

  14. #59
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Perfect poached egg

    What a crazy read,,,eggs!!!!

    When I lived on the farm I devised a slightly different way of poaching eggs, which the kids named "drowned eggs".

    We had chooks so the eggs would have been fairly fresh.

    Using a cast iron frypan, get the pan & lid hot (this was easy on a wood stove), using a very small amount of oil, break your eggs straight into the pan, wait 30 seconds or so, chuck on the lid & pour about 100-150 mls of BOILING water, be careful of the steam. Only takes a minute or so, when the steam is gone your are left with perfect eggs that are still a bit snotty on the inside, much like freedoms pics.

    Sounds crazy , but it works,


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