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Thread: Cooking Mackeral

  1. #31

    Re: Cooking Mackeral

    Mack are a strong flavoured fish & dry out very quicky if not treated with respect. I've had them in a million marinades & they most often come up trumps.
    My fave however is in Thai fish cakes (I have a recipe if you wish)
    Just be careful with the way you treat them from moment of capture to table.

  2. #32

    Re: Cooking Mackeral

    How did the cooked Mackeral taste??????????

    If I catch my own, bleed it and put on ice straight away. Get home I take fillets off skin on. Cover completely with salt(heaps of salt)..........overnight
    Wash off with vinegar and submerge in vinegar for 1 hour. Drain well, skin should peel off easily. Slice into bite sized pieces and dip into soy sauce and ginger mixture

    YUM!!!!! vinegared mackeral..sashimi style

    Nothing beats fresh

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