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How to prepare Morwong for the table??? - Page 3
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Thread: How to prepare Morwong for the table???

  1. #31
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: How to prepare Morwong for the table???

    Sorry about the picture quality, I dont usually take pics of mowies, that one was around 3 kg & still good eating.


  2. #32

    Re: How to prepare Morwong for the table???

    Ok OK don’t get YOUR nickers in a knot , it looked to me like a treva in your pic , and I have attached pic’s of the following:
    1. A Silver Trevally photographed at Ned's Beach, Lord Howe Island, New South Wales.
    (looked a bit like your morwong)

    2. A Blue Morwong at a depth of 27m, Wreck of the Valiant, outside Broken Bay, New South Wales, December 2001,
    I believe you , your fish is a morwong, I have learnt something new today , and it looks like a good fish, bit like a cross between an grassie emporer and a treva.

    3. A Slate Sweetlips at a depth of 27m, Yongala Wreck, off Townsville, Queensland, November 2001.
    What I have always known as the MILF, didn’t know NSW had there own version, bit like football skills……..
    Couldn’t resist

  3. #33

    Re: How to prepare Morwong for the table???

  4. #34

    Re: How to prepare Morwong for the table???


  5. #35
    Ausfish Platinum Member dfox's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: How to prepare Morwong for the table???

    There seems to be alot of confussion over this morwong issue so i'll attempt to clarify things.
    Now our southern friends have a fish that they refer to as a blue morwong or mowie and it is a fair table fish. Theres also a few other species refered to as morwong in these southern waters as well.
    In queensland we have a number of fish refered to as morwong, in fact there are dozens of different species with the refered tag of morwong.
    There all members of the haemulidae family, sometimes refered to as the blubber lip family. One of these is diagramma pictum or better known as the slatey bream(as pictured above) others in this family range from the brown blubber lip through to the really colourful painted blubber lip. All these fish as diverse as they are are refered to as morwong.
    All the fish in this blubberlip family or morwongs as we'll call them are quite edible, but they unfortunately are in most cases regarded as poor eating, this is how they gained the name mother in law fish or milf for short. Hope that helps...foxy
    Heres a pic of another type of morwong...

  6. #36

    Re: How to prepare Morwong for the table???

    is any one know or see princes morwongs
    i heard that far best eating from all family of MILF

    one think i know my neighbour say that fish from yestrday(morwong) was very delishess
    how he prepering i will ask him ones he is from Japan i i think

    cheers no_luck

  7. #37
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: How to prepare Morwong for the table???

    To get back to the original story -recipes

    Just to let you all know that it turned into a fish and noodle spicy soup that was quite delicious. Used the carcass to make a nice stock for the soup base.

    Mother-in-law will be proud of me

    Cheers guys

  8. #38

    Re: How to prepare Morwong for the table???

    yep, that is the point if the whole discussion, don't just take someones word for a fish being a "throw back" unless it is poison of course, just try it and see, then you know for sure yourself, a lot of "give aways" came from yonks ago when only Snapper and such were considered worthy of eating, times have changed and some past "undesirables are now targeted, it was not all that long ago when Kingfish was considered "crap" and almost unmarketable for the pros, times have sure changed on that one (and a lot of others)

  9. #39
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: How to prepare Morwong for the table???

    Acouple of months late ...but no has mentioned leaving fillets soaking in milk overnight...certainly takes any bad taste out of the flesh....Remember this for the next mowie
    Better late than never!!!


  10. #40
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: How to prepare Morwong for the table???

    A little left of centre I know but just for the record I always thought MILFS were desireable things?

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