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Thread: black tip sharks

  1. #1

    black tip sharks

    caught some small sharks of sandhill. about 2ft6 long, black tip. are they ok to eat

  2. #2

    Re: black tip sharks

    I've often caught and kept variety of small sharks. Really enjoyed them. Being from FNQ, people frown at you for keeping sharks, plenty of better fish to keep (i just couldn't catch them! ). The flesh was always nice and firm, not overly fishy. Good with a ginger and schallot sauce. YUM!

    People say that they can have a foul amonia smell, i've never really had an issue with this. Occasionally when you are cleaning them, they smell a bit, but bleed and ice immediately and they always were a good feed. I'm not a huge fan of eating fish, but really enjoyed eating flake.

    Nice and easy to clean, not much int he way of wastage, easiest fish around to skin.
    Southwind SF20 'Piscatoreous'
    Savage 14ft tinny "About Time'

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: black tip sharks

    If theyy are anything like school shark I'd keep em. School shark tastes really nice if cared for at capture.

    I've learnt not to worry about what people say sometimes and try the fish for yourself. You never know till you eat it.

    Mate caught a massive Red rock cod 6 months ago. Got 2 really nice fillets off it. They were beaytiful. a lot of people say to throw em back. Not throwing those big ones back anymore.
    Why is all the good weather around on weekdays?

  4. #4

    Re: black tip sharks

    All sharks are good on the chew as long as you take care of them straight away.

    Head, Tail, guts and all fins should be removed before they die, then emerse them in a salt water brine.


  5. #5

    Re: black tip sharks

    I'm really keen to hit the top end of the food pyramid.
    Little hesitant about the bloodletting a k offshore in a kayak.
    Ah well you only live once!

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