I prefer fish fillets with the skin on, so I scale most of the reefies we catch -- even parrotfish, which leave me feeling like I've just bathed in a bucket of slugs. Bring it on, I say. I can handle it.
Then I got a coronation trout to scale. Easy, I thought, and I scraped away feeling smug. But when I ran my hand along its flanks afterwards, I felt a row of hard, obstinate scales along the lateral line.
I COULD NOT get those evil scales off. I hacked and hewed and scraped and swore, and then I hacked some more. Oh the shame, to be beaten by a dead trout! I had to find a way.
Finally, I tried pulling the scales off with tweezers, and it worked. Then with shaking hands I got myself a drink and had a nice lie down. Then I threw the tweezers out.
So what I want to know is, are there any other fish out there that I shouldn't attempt to scale? I don’t want to go through that again!