Man, you dudes are so unforgiving on those poor fish.
Me thinks your tecniques may need a little looking at.
Below is a 40lb Barra from deep in the snags in the upper Bensbach.
No impoundment slacker here, as this fish is not the top of the food chain in the river, the 20' Crocodiles are.
The fish was hooked hard up against the bank under a very substantial clump of snags in the form of fallen trees, you can sort of see them in the shade behind us. 8)
Gear used;
Live Fibre 6kg Custom Baitcaster.
Calcutta 250.
14lb Fireline.
60lb Black Magic Tough Trace.
B16A Gold Bomber.
Done it before this one and I'll do it again. 8) 8)
I have only ever used gear as heavy as you guys are saying when I was fishing for Black Bass in New Guinea.
By the way, the fish totally destroyed the 5x Mustads, all of them, and the rings on the lure.