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the new types of 'wonder woblers' have nothing on the originals!!! the original 3/8 oz was the best for flatties and have seen a flathead about 18lb caught on one by my grandfather on 6lb line on a nigger rod no less!!!
i was out fishing for flatties on weekend and i was fishing with softies and my dad was using a 3/8 oz ww and he out fished my by 3:1 i ended up with 5 flatties up to 2kg. he had some up to 5kg!!!!
I have a friend of mine who swears by the old wonder wobblers. Said he used to do well with them on Saratoga up in the Territory. I didn't believe him until I saw him pull about half a dozen Saratoga out of a little gully in Hinze Dam. I have also seen him give the flatties a caning with them. They have a funny darting action that really seems to work on the Togas.
If you like to use metal lures, try Bumper Bars. These originated in NQ (I think) and from my experience will consistenly outfish Lasers or Raiders or any other metal lures. They come in chrome or gold.
They are great either casting, trolling or jigging and GT's, Queenfish and Cobia love them.
I don't remember ever seeing them for sale down south. I go back up north (Townsville) 4 or 5 times a year and I usually take the opportunity to stock up on them.
For general fishing I would normally use the smaller size about 50 mm overall length. For jigging and casting around the rocks off the Islands of NQ for Queenies and GT's, I will go right up to one about 100 mm long. I don't know the weights.
Amart in Townsville sell them so they should be able to get them down south.
Dropped in yesterday afternoon to see my good mate Doug at Doug Burts fishing tackle on the Gold Coast. (Labrador, opposite KFC and beside Red Rooster) He stocks Bumper Bars.
wonder wobblers (or spoons)& raiders (slugs) serve different purposes in your tackle box.
Wonder wobblers flutter in the water like a wounded baitfish. I've caught everything from flathead to coral trout on them. You work them accordingly (like a wounded fish), for flathead in this part of the world skip them off a sandy bottom in 1- 2m hops.
Slugs (like raiders) imitate a fleeing baitfish & are best worked at high speed retrieve jerking your rod tip to give more action. They cast better (up to 50%) than spoons of equal weight because of their shape & weight distrbution & are better for jigging in deep water for the same reason. For tailor fishing get yourself a Raider 45g- 85g with a blue & purple stripe & spraypaint the very front 1cm red. You have to work hard to keep speed on the lure. smaller raiders are great for tuna.
If I had to have only one lure in my tackle box it would be a wonder wobbler because of its versitility I guess but buy specific lures for specific uses & you'll use them more cause you'll see results. Kmart now stock raiders for $8 that's a good price for a strong quality Aussie Lure. Get yourself a small wobbler for flathead casting & a medium - large raider for your tailor (probably medium no bigger than 65g with your Gary Howard outfit).
hi chris
mate had a look at my wobblers and they are starting to rust not sure what to do was thinking of sparying them with WD40 as fish don't seem to mind it any ideas?
cheers jack
i've never had a wonder wobbler that didn't get the dreaded red cancer. Chrome lures are a base metal with a thin chrome coating on them. Wonder wobblers are a steel pressing so they rust when you get little cracks etc in the chrome. Raiders are a bronze base so they don't rust as such.
As steve said keep WD out of your tacklebox its a great product for your boat & motor but not for your tackle & reels.
To keep your chromes in good order store them seperately in your tacklebox so they don't bang together & DON'T double the treble back onto the lure body to make them fit in a small space. Rinse them after use under the tap.
Honestly jack get yourself a Raider lure - they are the best tailor lure I have ever used - i'v got six of varying sizes.