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Black light and fluorescent line for night fishing
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Thread: Black light and fluorescent line for night fishing

  1. #1

    Black light and fluorescent line for night fishing

    Very popular in US for bass fishing. Has anyone tried it in OZ for jewies etc?

    ta, AJ.

  2. #2

    Re: Black light and fluorescent line for night fis

    Way to techo a question for the blokes who hang round here

    What do you mean anyway, using the blacklight to show up the fluro line at night? ??? ??? ???


    Eat Sleep FISH!!!!!!!
    Cheers Glen,

    One Life, What will you catch next!

  3. #3

    Re: Black light and fluorescent line for night fis

    Hey Andrew, often thought about the possibility of using those "night Vision" type commando glasses for those really dark nights when you cant see a bloody thing.

    Look pretty stupid though!! ;-)

    How many times have you been casting to where you think the bank is and get the clunk and not the splash???


  4. #4

    Re: Black light and fluorescent line for night fis

    seqfish, the fluorescent line reacts to the black light and is lit up but the black light does not light anything else up so fish are not spooked. So your line really stands out on a dark night. A lot of heavy metal type paintings use the same affect so you only see the picture properly when the normal white light is off and the black light is on.

    Randall, I want one of them too. It wouldn't look too silly as noone else could see you. The cops would probably shoot you if they spotted you though. It would be great for spinning jewies at night as there would be a good chance of seeing the strike excellant idea, cheers, Andrew.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Black light and fluorescent line for night fis

    The use of a black light and fluoro line is a interesting one.
    While Uv light may be invisible to the human eye ,some fish species have the ability to see into the UV spectrum, other creatures such as the Mantis shrimp have a high evolved eye that make use of the UV range.

    i remember something about squid being able to use UV vision as well.

    The Australian Institute of Marine Science is also doing research into a amino acid that is present within some fish species ,(Mycosporine-like amino acid) this amino acid absorbs light in the 300- 360 nm range.
    They are still try to disiguish what part MAA's play and if the absorption of UV light effects vision.

    Still the use of a black light is an interesting one, maybe one could flood the water area with Uv light and then use a fluoro colour lure which would really stand out...

    Another interesting question that just popped into my mind would be how would the line fair after being constantly exposed to UV radiation, Although the use of a small blacklight might not be strong enough to cause any detrimental effect.


  6. #6

    Re: Black light and fluorescent line for night fis

    Pooney, I read a post on a yankee bass site where one fisho reckoned that he caght bigger bass when he didn't use a black light, so stopped using them. Only the bass really know.
    I have heard that sunlight will weaken high visibility fishing line - I don't think a black light would be that intense enough to cause damage though. Andrew

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