inshore game around burnett heads bundy
Hey all
Im learning to fish the burnett river and entrance and out to the last markers and just wondering if anyone has some info that would help speed up the learning process and also any stories to get me keen? Do they ever get sails or beaks in close or wahoo or anything out of the ordinary?
Sofar no probs catching longtails and mackeral but keen to get some variety.
Cheers Rob.
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
PM sent. marks to follow.
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
thanks for that mate! i replied to your pm.
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
Setthehook, have u heard of the trawler wreck, will be up there week of easter weekend . Trying to figure out if I am better off leaving from Elliots Head or Burnett heads to have a troll and a fish. Do u know if the 2 mile and 4 mile reefs are worth targeting. Thank u Wayno
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
Goggles.....I spent a week up at Elliot Heads in July last year and fished every day. If your boat is over 4m I would suggest launching from Burnett Heads as it is a much better and safer ramp to launch from. Deep water access all the way. The ramp up the river from Elliot Heads is OK but the channel out to the bar is quite shallow and if you want to fish at night very hard to navigate. The sand bar is constantly moving and I didn't trust it with my 6.5m boat. I fished from Burnett Heads day and night and it was very safe to launch and retrieve. You can beach the boat on the side of the ramp with plenty of light. The Burnett River is a major shipping channel. I fished the 2 mile and the 4 mile and they were very average. If you want some sport then you'll need to go at least 15 miles offshore to catch reefies, tuna, mackeral etc. I filled 2 x 40kg freezers easily whilst there. Hanging to get back there again this year.
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
Mate, the two mile reef fishes well for all the usual suspects including small billfish at the right times !!!
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
Thats what i wanted to hear mate!!
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
Goldfinch thanks for that, got a 4.2mtr stessco hooked up to some longtail and plenty of mac tuna last year when up there at April. Wouldnt mind a feed of reefies this year if they where floating around either at the above refs mentioned or cochrane artificial.
Hooknose a small billfish would be extremly good sport. Wayno
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
When I lived in bundy, I often heard about sailfish caught at the 2 mile off Bargara.
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
A mate of mine lives at Bargara, when he is not away working,he has taken small blacks and some epic Tuna, Queenies, Mackies etc, on livies usually Herring that he jigs up on the spot, he likes to burley up heavily, 2 MILE is his favourite spot.
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
Here's a snap of an arvo at the 15mile reef. Caught so many Tuna it wasn't funny. Caught heaps of snapper on sunset and then the sharks stole all the big fellas. Big tiger shark came right up to the boat chasing the snaps.
The next day we caught Red emps, trout and cod about 1km north.
Not stop action. So much live bait on the reef it blacks out the sounder.
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
might have to sus this 2 mile out then !!!
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
Get to know a few locals and you will be laughing mate, even the boys at "Salty's" in Bundy are friendly and will point you in the right direction and clue you up as to when these areas fire up !!!
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
Thanks alot for the info guys!! Have punched in some marks to the old plotter and will see how i go!! will keep you all informed with future reports!!
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
A few peeps have mentioned 2 mile of Bagara.... I put it into google earth and it shows that it lies in the green zone meaning no fishing. Though i better mention that incase a few still fish it. Icoud be wronge but check it out.
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
Setthehook, just spoke to some good people at Salty's in Bundy mate, they tell me that the reef mentioned above is all good to go as not in a green zone. hope this helps u . Wayno
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
hmmm well once you said that i typed in the gps marks for the boundary of the greenzone, and the gps mark that was given to me for the 2mile..... 2 mile fell insid ethe boundary.
So.... i searched further and found a website with another gps mark for 2 mile bagara and it was wayyyyyy out past the green zone. So i have 2 marks for 2 mile and there is a miles difference between them! So i tested ryans reef and again i have a few marks for the same place miles apart.
Does anyone have a mark for 2 mile or ryans that they know is spot on? pm if you prefer
Re: inshore game around burnett heads bundy
update, Went to salties and bought a GPS map for $5 and now have the correct 2 mile that lies just outside the greenzone. Phew .... Now just need the water to clear up and wind to back off!