Timi - you are reprehensible!!!!! (pronounce the R as "w" in true life of brian fashion!)
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Timi - you are reprehensible!!!!! (pronounce the R as "w" in true life of brian fashion!)
I will sign up. Its a good idea. Next pay.
To save doing more than one transaction (now) Steve. Have you considered a nominal fee (say 10 bucks) for kids who's dads have already signed up?
The full cost might prevent some kids from hitting the site in their own rights and using their parents accounts, thereby reducing the overall picture of membership.
for me the jury is still out on this one.
The ads don't bother me..
I think it may lead to an 'us & them' attitude from some, these will probably be the first to deny that will happen..you will always get the diehard loyalists to pay..
I doubt you will get any decent GPS marks anyway;D
As stated before, having to pay for full access will stop a lot of lurkers from bothering..
& does this mean if we are paying for membership that mod5 will leave all as is or keep putting his own personal slant on things??;D
great idea Steve, I'm in
If some elitism develops, there are enough hard nuts on this site to squash it. The wankers will rise to the top and they can be skimmed off!
I'm going to keep to putting in 40 bucks. If everyone shouted him beer I've no doubt the quality of the site would rapidly descend!!!!;D;D;D
all Paid. happy to support the site
$40....geez, the amount of information and genuine help I've gathered from this site, the people I've met and the things I've been asked to participate in is well worth $40 I'd say.
I'm signing up now ;)
A more than happy little grey man.
Hmm, I love that Steve is so keen to keep the members happy, but I just don't want to see the site split by premium and non-premium members. I'd personally keep the premium members only content to a minimum, just so everyone who can't afford it doesn't feel left out.
Yes Jeremy we are paid on a commission basis ......... so much for deleting dumb posts, more for aggressive posts and even more for abusive and threatening posts with the price continuing to rise in categories.
I am disappointed that we get very little for simply moving a thread to the right board because someone is too lazy to read the board headings. Infractions and warnings although necessary, don't pay much either.
The big money though is in banning someone. A spammer is well worth my being here. They pay reasonably well. Don't get a real lot for new and bronze members but it's ok. Silver and gold are pretty good but its the platinum blokes where the big bucks are. They pay for my holidays.
However, still waiting for the boss to put a price on the head of one of these premiums. I reckon that's where the money is going to be in the future.
Actually it's all said in jest, and no the Moderators don't get paid, and this post is like a lot here on Ausfish - full of crap but helps to get the post count up. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
This all looks like a great idea.
If the pages will load faster, then Im in. Im usually on ausfish while Im at work, and so time is money. My question is how much faster will the pages load without SOME advertising?
Perhaps a 7 day free trial will improve the takeup rate. Is there anyway this can be done?
PS - well done on paypal too. Nice to see us keeping up with the latest technology
I have spent more on things I have never used, $40 for something I use every day is a bargin!
40 clams is fair.
Black-Rat I think it is trivial.
Awesome website. Like the fish ,I'm hooked.
Well I am in a very small minority with concerns about this so that noise you just heard was me pulling my head in. I dont think I am poor..but retired and "OK" ..probably wouldnt spend the $40 each 6 months but hey...! that may be no loss to the board.
Whatever happens it is a great forum, and Steve is to be congratulated for a superb job.
So where do we sign up? I've been scanning for an hour with no joy - bit like fishing lately, maybe it's me after all????
I can not see where people are getting this idea of splitting the site, elitism, etc.
You either have ads or you don't have ads. It is your choice. Members wanted a way to get rid of ads and video ads and said they would be happy to pay, so I gave them the option.
Some people are simply doing it to show support, others to get rid of the ads and show support, it is your choice.
The only difference is you get access to a GPS section, which by the way is empty. It is for GPS marks only, no other discussion is allowed.
i need all the help i can get with fishing
i think im in the minority but i dont support the subscription. Dont get me wrong its a great site, but i dont see the benefit in paying $80.00 annually to:
1- to simply not see advertisments. ( i didnt think they were that intrusive ?)
2- look at a gps marks section
3-to increase an inbox storage.
4- have no charge to put in classifieds (is there a limit ?)
I understand that a few appreciate the site and will pay the $39.95 as gratitude and support, but i hardly see this as getting value for money. Dont block or ban me for this but il be honest. I see this as a money spinner for little to no benefit to members, apart from the 'PREMIUM' status some might use to their advantage.
cheers, and thanks for a great forum.
Fish Guts
wow..so much discussion over about 21 cents a day..amazing. As said..you either want the ads or you don't.
I rarely get PM's...never catch any fish to bother having more pic space...but I will still pay the money.
OMG..Mod 5 has a sense of humour...will wonders never cease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will premium members be dealt with the same as non-paying members in regards to infringments ect ?
All members are required to comply with the rules of Ausfish. A copy can be seen here http://www.ausfish.com.au/vforum/showthread.php?t=54614
A couple of things, firstly I am all for a membership, am suprised it hasn't come up earlier. The adds don't really bother me and the speed issue isn't an issue as it might make it quicker by about 0.1of a sec. So I am more then happy to pay the $40 for the memebership as Pinhead said its only 21cents a day. I think the membership as support for the running costs of the site and its a small price to pay for a great site.
I have tried to subscribe but the following msg come up-
"The email address or credit card has already been added to a PayPal account. If you have already opened a PayPal account, enter your email address and password into PayPal Checkout and click Log In. Otherwise, enter a different email address or credit card number to complete your purchase."
I don't have a PayPal account that I am aware of. I used the credit card option. Anyhelp would be apprieciated.
Personally, I feel a sense of loyalty to Ausfish and to Steve Brown. I believe a subscription is a good thing as I'm sure it will free Ausfish up for further innovation. When we speak of 'user pays' we all use the site, I think primarily as a means of entertainment and enjoyment, as well as the educational component, therefore a subscription fee is well justified in my opinion.
However, presently being out of work puts me in a situation whereby I simply cannot afford to pay at the moment, but I will when I can.
I wish this had come up last year, as this year seems to be one which has become considerably expensive for boaties. Fuel prices, now rego increases, and now $80 for Ausfish. I know it's voluntary whether to subscribe or not, but I think the timing is a little out.
Steve, please don't take my post as a slur on the site or on your decision. I have much to thank Ausfish for, some good friends, hours of enjoyment, and a lot of lessons. I am grateful for all that is offered, and will pay my subscription when I can release the belt a bit.
Many thanks
Im with fish guts on this. It is a great site, no doubt about it, but I don't use it as much as others, and the things in question do not bother me either,
HOWEVER if it was an annual subsciption of $40, or choice or 6 months for $20 (just like rego) you may get more support and obviously more subsciptions. Most at the moment are watching there pennies, and may feel that $40 for six months is a bit rich.
Cheers anyway.
Hi Steve
Just logged on and saw the message. Thought I was in trouble for a minute.HEHE
On my work computer now so will sign up when I get home.
PS-- If you work out how to kill that ant let me know--- better still when we catch up to Grant we can swat him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Agree i would just go to anther Fishing Website as my name says Battler ! don't you guys make enough bucks from Sponsors ? or are you to hungry ? You will drive people away ! GPS Marks they are every where these days ! Maybe if you got something for you buck like a Shirt a Hat you might have a chance but other wise it will fail.You need to get more Sponsors to the site that are in Australia Like Lowrance Shimano Silstar Furuno & all other Australia fishing wholesalers and this might get you some more cash in the bank and it will keep the posts coming as with out posts you have nothing.
Regards Joe.
You're missing the point Joe...................it's voluntary. You don't need to pay or go to another site, you just need to accept that you have to put up with the advertising if you don't pay.
Personally, if I can afford it then I pay it, there's no principles involved here as far as I'm concerned. I like the company here and don't need to go to another. I'll pay because I can and it's a way of showing appreciation and getting rid of those bloody pop ups. Some like a fag, some like a bet on the horses........I like speed at my 'puter and clean pages.
As for "getting something for your buck like a shirt or a hat" I think the fact that we get good knowledge and the company of good members, is priceless, and the fact that it is free is even more priceless. How many clubs nowadays don't have an annual membership fee. It's all about what value you place on that club, I'll pay seperately for my shirt and hat, thank you.
Like I say, it's voluntary so there's no issue as far as I'm concerned and certainly no need to tell the owner how to raise revenue from his own business.
Good idea if it helps the site survive and grow as well as keep the free aspect as well i think its :thumbsup:
As for deviding the site into the elite and the others i cant see that happening iv been a member of other forums and the same system has been used with nothing like that happening.
Also i wont be taking the premium membership option at the moment as i dont think it will benifit me, once i have a boat however and those GPS marks are needed that may change;)
if your having problems with the adds slowing things down, and dont want to go the premium way, just use this simple tutorial on how to get the most out of your browser. ;)
Hell yeah, I know a poll dancer, and she makes heaps of cash ;DQuote:
There is good money in polls. They should be encouraged, if only for your benefit.
I too dont have a credit card, going to uni fulltime on Austudy payments makes it difficult to pay additional dollars unlike people who are earning a wage and could afford these payments. Any discounts for persons in my situation?
Thanks, Peter