We also caught a few xos tailor around the top of Moreton Island A week before Xmass
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We also caught a few xos tailor around the top of Moreton Island A week before Xmass
Awsome bag mate alot of variation in the species, good to see a few getting out in these conditions.
Absolutley AWESOME Tailor there fella's!
I certainly wouldn't be revealing that Spot X to anyone either, but you can PM me if you like and i'll guard it for you like a hawk!! :-X
Take Care T
PS: You may want to check your camera or photo editing software out... the 2nd pick in your first post (with the Snapper) shows the horizon on a different angle to your left as opposed to the right and the light appears to be brighter on one side... your lens may need cleaning on one side perhaps?
Some horse fish there guys! Bloody great catch indeed. Now tell us all where the heck you really got them from! j/k ;)
mate i know it is hard to believe but it`s true.if someone else had of posted a report like mine a couple of weeks ago i would have found it just as hard to believe so i can understand where you are comeing from .the best part about it is like a lot of people i have just gone on the first two weeks off i have had for a very long time and my plan was to fish every day i could and fish a lot of places i have been wanting to have a look at for a while,when i saw the outlook i couldn`t believe it.My first thought was great, i could just picture myself catching nothing the whole time,then i saw a slight break in the weather and decided to give this spot another go while i have the chance.the weather wasn`t the greatest but it allowed me to fish it.I have caught fish there before but nothing like that!must have been in the right place at the right time.anyhow i havn`t done much in the way of fishing since but i got my fix so even if i don`t catch another fish for the rest of my time off i will be content.WILL BE OUT FIRST CHANCE I GET BUT!!!!!!!
thats a top mix of fish. well done and hope you get more sessions like that.
Nice healthy bag there mate, good to see somone getting stuck into them.
Dont blame you with keeping your hot spot hush, with that mixed bag it is obviously good ground.
uh huh the photos give it all away! I seen the same clouds the other day when i was fishing at noosa. i am sure i seen you and nugg throwing towadis around that mourning! SPRUNG!!!
that is a great haul - congratulations - I wouldn't mind catching a mixed bag like that before heading back to work - hope the weather improves.
I too was hoping that maybe the weather would have stirred the fish up a bit for when the wind drops.
Well done.
Just wondering if you and nugg have gotten back down to the hot spot yet? :ears:
Gotta say, after reading this comment i went back and checked the photo. I have to agree, there is a definite mis-alignment of the horizon and in extreme zoom a bit of a colour change around your outline, and to think I stood up for you...I feel.....violated ad I might just go and have a cry.:'(
all i think all old mate was trying to say was my lense needs cleaning i thought that is what he was getting at anyhow,unless i was suppose to take it adifferent way.but if what you are saying is for some reason i have edited the photo to try and fool people you re wrong.the only thing i would have done to that pic is shrink it so i could post it.that is the only thing i can think of that may have caused this as i always check the lense before photos.so don`t feel violated because you had good reason to stik up for me and i appreciate it too,cheerse.
mate dont worry like most forums ithis one is littered with f#$Kwits
top job
HEY B-J,that spot where you caught that big golden in your avatar lookes very familiar,it lookes like a spot down in tassi.I can tell by the look of the air for one and the other thing that gives it away is the bird flying in the back ground i can just make out when i zoom in.it`s one of those double headed,small breasted,long leged,one winged, pigon brain pelicans that are exclusive to that area.:hammer: SPRUNG!!!!!!!!!:smug: here is another photo by the way,thought i better edit this one,just in case the sky or the horizon give it away:alien:
Just a tip dont use layers when editing your photo's guys, the edit can be removed wih most good editing software. What can i say I'm a huge geek.
Good call 63eh.
Great report simool, looking forward to your next lot of pics.
hey jason the wind is looking like it will be between 5-10 knots most of this weekend , but off course if the weather is good my missus is working so i will only be able to do a afternoon/night fish , give us a yell if your interested in heading out .
Well Done. Nice work.
great day there well done
good fish mate. tell em nuthin
Maybe it was Murphy's or the house boat at peel ..................lol ;)
(there was one former ausfish members that has pulled some great catches from them ;D)
Great catch mate!
Cheers Chris
who knows ?
i zoomed in on the reflection on his eyes and i reckon its the mouth of cabbage tree creek, i can see the jetty reflection in his pupils, great fish!