yep snappa
most of what we caught was all on ether powerbaits or salt water assins flukes.
and we tried lots of stuff.
try the miss flathead again.
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yep snappa
most of what we caught was all on ether powerbaits or salt water assins flukes.
and we tried lots of stuff.
try the miss flathead again.
lol not sure if she would be plugging her title to anyone, miss Flathead ;D any piccies of the white pointers? :D
i didn't win the boat but i won a salt water fly reel from avey and some saltX reel cleaner and a pair of sunglasses from Seadog, so about $300 in prizes for me [smiley=laola.gif]
3 years of entry to finaly get somewhere.
i was 38th outright as of friday nite.
i think i got my Butt kicked saturday though.
will find out later next week on team placeing and my personal placeing.
a trying 2.5 days but i didn't have to go to work so im happy.
to answer fishinmishin's questions.
the flathead classic is a catch and release comp.
lures only NO BAIT of any kind.
points are on a sliding scale, 0-39cm 5points
40cm 20points
50cm 40points
60cm 75points
70cm 145points
80cm 185points
90cm 285points
there are other points in between the 1's listed
biggest for the comp this year was 90cm caught at curso island saturday morning.
cost of entry to comp $150 but we got diner for 3 nights + lunch saturday. a shirt wurth $60
a dozen packs of rubbers of all makes from atomic to river 2 sea.
3 hard body lures . stickers for other stuff.,
and if u catch a fish your in with a show to win the main prize of a 4.75 stessel boat motor trailer package. About $20'000. juniors have a 3mt punt with 3Hp to win
it mite sound expensive but some people race cars I fish.
anyway hope to see post on here from DC and team on there results and Marty-Z aswell.
last pic from the comp the line up.
Cheers Cloud 9
the white pointers were on the house boat in the pic behind my best for comp pic .
didn't get any on film better luck next time.
so , thats it from me time for another beer while i read some of the other stuff on here then time to crash [smiley=sleeping.gif]
Hey Jamie the C&R side of things, is it a live well type thing where you bring them back for inspection?
no digi pics
you may notic in the pics 1 has 50cent piece 1 has white card
every ligal fish (40cm up) has to be photoed with the token of the day, set out the nite before
so you cant just take pics of fish more than once
well you probably could but the complexity wouldn't be wurth while
all fish released as soon as posible.
all good fun.
im allreddy booking time with boss for next year
Cheers Cloud 9
Cheers for that info Jamie, hopefully next year i'll get a team together and enter.
Thanx for all the info cloud 9. Might give it a go next year although I'm not as successfull with plastics. Got a bit to learn. To all concerned with my flathead I honestly know that they were sand flathead. They were sandy in colour when caught and had black bars on the tail and not the spot associated with dusky or mud flathead.
I now noticed how dark they seem although if you look at the pic you will see that it was taken at night and even with the flash the highly reflective silver scales of the tailors and sand whitings heads, my foot and MOst of the smallest whiting :oseem to be a lot darker that they are. I adbide to all regulations and practice good release methods but as haven't been out for yonks :'(and in need of a good fresh feed I kept even the small but LEGAL flathead.
If I havent convinced you then I'm pleading innocent on the account of temporary drunkenness. For those of you that I have convinced, appologies will be accepted by the way of beer. PM me as for where to drop it off ;). P.S.- I ate the evidence anyway. ;D
fishin mission
;) ;) ;) ;)
morning all had a decent sleep now was just working out my fuel useage for the comp i posted earlyer that i used 71 liters fuel for 111Nm's had a chance to convert to Km's 205km's which gave me a rate of 2.88Km's to the litre.
most of which was at full throttle and with the extra weight of the bow mount electric / battery and 2 other blokes fishing gear and lunch each day i was still getting 38Kn's flat out thats why the big air off some of the swell encountered.
anyway have a great day.
the Garden awaits :-/
Cheers Cloud 9
P.S anyone like to Buy the SALTWATER FLY REEL i won valued at $179 Make me an offer suited to tuna or mackeral fishing on fly?? 425B alvey Fly reel.
Well done Jamie!
Good to see an ausfisher with points on the board!!
Regards, Tony :D :D :D
Gday All,
With Flathead Classic 2004 all over all I can really do is hang my head in shame and curse Mother Nature. I don't know where team Al-Lure-ing Lizards placed but what I can tell you is that it's somewhere near the bottom :'( I did however beat my last years total, which is what I was aiming to do :-/
Here's how our three days of competition went...
Day 1
Fished hard in all the 'right areas' incl. Crueso Is, Kalinga Bank, Duck Cr, Whalleys Gutter. Result - 1x 28cm flathead, 1 tonne of weed, minus a bunch of lures (soft and hard bodied), minus 1 xxxx straw-hat, 1 unexplained motor problem, 1 spooled line (by the prop), and 1 pi$$ed off and dejected team.
Day 2
Poked our heads out of Biggera Cr (where we stayed along with JBs team for the tornament) and were faced with 25kn of northerly against a big run-in tide. Plan was to head north again but when faced with that - no way! Took the soft option and headed south for more sheltered parts i.e. the Nerang River, concentrating on a bank just north of the Chevron Is bridge. Result = 5 flathead to 52cm, 1x shimano baitcaster spooled with braid on a G-Loomis 2-4kg rod (caught on a pink micro mullet :P ;D), and 1 slightly happier crew (considering the conditions).
Day 3
A much nicer day and hopes were high. Mixed it up with a bit of plastic chucking and some trolling at various 'pin locations. But alas the lizards were not 'Al-lure-ed' to our expectations. Result = 2 flathead to 42cm, and 1 new 'Spot X' - which I have great hopes for in the future ;)
We finished fishing at 11:30am as I had to make it to my uni graduation ceremony - and so missed the Classic presentation, later discovering that if we were present we would have scored a lucky draw prize of a bag full of lures etc :'( I thought long and hard about which was more important, uni grad or flathead classic presentation, in hindsight maybe I made a poor decision :-/ :(
All in all, not a great few days fishing/luck wise, but, when your game plan involves about 70% trolling, 4 tonne of weed in your favourite trolling areas doesn't help what-so-ever. 30kn northerlies also throw a spanner in the works. I can't make many excuses though because we fished similar areas to JB's team, The Plastic Surgeons, using the same lures and technique and they finished top 20. Well done to those boys especially JB for his top 20 individual placing too [smiley=laola.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
I enjoyed the few days staying in our little bit of Biggera Waters luxury with 'the boys' and IF I can pull a crew together, I'll definitly be back next year ;D
P.S. Good to meet you Jaime and sorry to the other guys who I missed out on meeting at the presentation (flattymattyb).
1 of the Nerang residents. You'll notice it hasn't been taken along-side the official comp ruler as 'the plastic surgeons' decided to loose their sticker 1st day and steal ours ::)
The G Loomis put up a better fight than the fish I caught ::)