yup the sharper the better!!! 8-) 8-)
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yup the sharper the better!!! 8-) 8-)
Can never have a knife too sharp and like Jason said, if it shaves yer forearm smooth, she's just about spot on ;) And as for kids and knives, mate supervise supervise supervise and educate them on why they need respect (the knives that is ;D)
Cheers and Beers
Mate I used to fish in Botany Bay in Sydney and yes, they all seem to have razor like sharp knives. One time it seemed as though a member of one group was fishing in the wrong spot, so after a few calls on mobiles, there was about 20 of these knives being brandished, along with the obgligatory "f_ck you mate I will kill you" :-*
We packed up and bought fish and chips on the way home.
Yep - gotta watch those Sydney people. Buncha wierdos if you ask me ;D ;D. Mate - kids will cut themselves whether the knife is sharp or blunt. If its so blunt it won't cut the kids then its not worth using. I reckon people get cut worse with blunt knives because they are using much more pressure to cut. Like others said - sharp as and educate the kids. Blunt knives are dangerous.Quote:
Originally Posted by tunaman
Gunna - Ralph Wiggum is your ultimate demonstration ;)
What glue? ;D ;D ;D
Well just once again to bring the point home, a blunt knife is much more dangerous because you tend to put more downward pressure on it to make it actually cut. Any slip up with that amount of force can do some nasty injuries. Keep them sharp enough to shave with. ;)
So having read all of the above, whats the best way to go about this sharping of ones knives...BB
The best way to sharpen a knife is with a good quality oilstone.
often find them at flea markets , cheap as ;)
With a good ceramic stone i can knock mine into shape pretty quick but about every six months or so I dump em all at the local butchers for a going over and drop off a feed of crabs at the same time.
Nothing like using a professional when you want a top job
The butchers, ever thought of that one. 8-) Well, just pumped some
nippers, and now off for a fish. I think I,ll give the bream ago, and sharpen my knife before I leave, but the old electric can opener
will have to do for now. It has a sharping device at the back of it.
Good for a quick touch up. ;)
signed tunaman :)
Get yourself a "BEAR" brand silicone carbide stone, about $20 & will sharpen for years.
A blunt knife is a dangerous knife.
Worst case scenario, sharpen on the back of a plate (the rough part it stands on) you've placed face down on a kitchen towel and if poss. hone it on a leather strop.
You can use the inside of an old leather belt- wedge the buckle end in a kitchen drawer and hold the other end up tight and work the blade up and down.
The leather makes all the difference....
Must agree with everyone a knife can never be too sharp
Bundy 8-)
To test if my knives are sharp enough I just give them and a onion to Nomes and if blood is drawn then they are sharp enough. ;D ;D ;D
Cheers Ian
I was a slaughterman in a meatworks for over 10 years and as a result of the eperience, I think i can get a knife fairly sharp. (some would disagree though)
However, I only use my really sharp knives for when I am cleaning the catch. If I need a knife lying around for just cutting line, etc, I make sure it is blunt.
If it is going to be used for bait on the baitboard, I use only a moderate blade that cuts flesh, but will not cause a bad injury if somebody accidently hit it with thier hand, . Do not want to be rocking around with a razor sharp knife in your hand 40 km offshore.
If people are a bit messier with filleting a fish for bait, it does not matter.
I find that many people have no respect for sharp knives and the injuries they can cause. (I have seen some good ones, and got a few myself)
To make a long story short, I think a knife only needs to be sharp enough to do its intended job safely.
my thoughts