I might stay out of this one, I made my feelings/thoughts clear before and got toasted………
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I might stay out of this one, I made my feelings/thoughts clear before and got toasted………
How in the world do you manage that? I envy that. I will admit the convenience and safety aspect of having a mobile phone is good. We used to have a landline, being rural though, telstra could never or didn't want to fix anything. The line was that bad we couldn't hear properly.
Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
If people were selling fish within the community on the black market then sure thats greedy and wrong and should be reported but people that just want to be able to feed their family fish and throw a couple to the neighbors ..then why is that greedy..?
probably its different in your highly populated SE corner of the state but you seem to be privvy to info that I dont see in my small regional area in FNQ...
and what do you mean by sharefarmers and they are a "large percentage of the population"...?..
I'm curious to understand what this country mouse is not seeing that you are..?
edit..ah Ok..yeah thieves are a problem everywhere...not too sure what that has to do with rec changes or bag limits though...
and you really dont get why many people are distrustful of government these days...?...hell you dont even need to have any affiliation with the tin foil hat brigade to know that the agendas involved in politics dont neccessarily align with what the science says and if there is no real science they seem to just pluck out numbers that suit them...
Even I have one ..I just dont know how to use it and have never made a text in my life..there is no credit on it to make calls either...
Cant even justify it for emergency calls nowadaays with owning a Garmin inreach..
I hate how people are so available to just answer a mobile 24/7 for even the most mundane and unneccesary calls..tradies and machine operators are the absolute worst....This used to irk the hell out of me when I was running landscape jobs..
But it annoys the hell out of me in car or boat when a bigmouth jumps on the phone blabbing about crap that could easily wait till he is back home that night...
The policy on my boat is no calls unless its too the missus to put more beer in the fridge on the way home from a fishing trip..
I do use my phone for taking pics and for spotify...
we’ve been seeing these tougher laws for years though. It’s not like these massive restrictions on most species came in yesterday. Every species has a management regime that sees it impossible that a fishery is “wiped out”. On almost every popular species, we have had significant regulations that, going back in time, should have been bearing significant fruit by now. Ie the stocks should have been rebuilt to some respect.
Take snapper as a perfect example: sexually mature between 2-3 years of age and a MLS of 35cm means they potentially spawn for several years before being legally caught. Now only 4 fisher per person with 1 of them being over 70cm. 2 over 70cm per boat. 42T TAC for commercial fishers. The move from 5-4 and only 1 over 70cm came at a time when the stock assessments were saying that the fishery was sustainable but that they were “growth overfished”. Meaning not a lot of larger fish were in the biomass. Yet further restrictions and including a closed season implemented.
Then you have Spanish. Deemed sustainable under the old monitoring system, then they come up with a new model to calculate the biomass and bang, over fished. The new model applied to the previous stock assessments showed massive discrepancies between what we were told back then and what we are being told now. So effectively fisheries are telling themselves that this new model is “best practice” and it means that what they were telling themselves previously was best practice was complete and utter bumpkin. Why should we or even themselves believe the new model holds any water at all?
What I want to know is and no one has ever been able to tell me. If management regimes are effective then it ‘should’ mean that on the aggregate we all catch more fish, right? Either CPUE improves, or in another way of looking at it, we either catch our bag easier or for those that don’t have a lot of trouble catching our bag, the bag has a higher kg/size in it. So the question is, would this been seen as management measures are working? Or when the data is plugged into the model and reverse engineered to output the % of original biomass, would the model assume there are less fish remaining in the fishery? Because from what I could see in the previous assessments, the extrapolation of tiny amounts of Rec catch data, which make huge assumptions on Rec take based of boat registration increases, all means that the models assume larger and larger Rec take and therefore a diminishing biomass. But very little in the way of assuming the previous management measures were having a positive impact. It’s all biased towards showing that further management measures are required.
why should we or anyone for that matter have confidence in this. Especially when my own anecdotal evidence suggests that the fishery in SEQ is getting better.
Meanwhile in Vic, they actually have programmes to encourage kids to get into fishing. Terrific stuff.
Firstly , We import more seafood than we export
What we export is mostly high value product like lobster & tuna - live fish (coral trout) ....... stuff that the vast majority of Australians don't buy.
Would you like to see our commercial fishery shut down ?
Did lobster prices come down with the China import bans ...... nah
We jump up & down about this oversight because we just want to protect our own interests ....... yeh it gets up your nose a bit when here in NSW you have to let your second jew go - but hey you've already got many kgs of tasty fish in the boat.
Why is it that it's a left wing uni student that you are afraid of ?
Any logical thinking person involved in fisheries management will come to the conclusion that we cant go down the current path & we need solutions ......... A rec catch log is just one means of collecting data.
It doesn't matter what government is in ...... change is inevitable like it or not .
Distrustful fishoes are just the types that want to protect their turf ........ they just want to go out & slay as many fish that they can - if the mackerel are on , they want to fill their esky. I get it but it doesn't take away from the fact that it's just about greed.
As for those sharks - if they are so good to eat , why aren't the rec fishoes embracing the glut of sharks that we have ? .........
The NSW Kingfish fishery was nearly wiped out due to commercial practices - Floating Kingfish traps were banned back in around 1994 ....... recovery has been slow but it's getting there . It was argued by the commercial sector that there wasn't the science behind the ban - If they had waited for the science it would have probably been too late.
The NSW mulloway fishery was going down the same pathway ....... Thankfully the regulations were changed .
If there are concerns about a fishery ...... the concerns are based on something - could it be that the commercial catch rates have been in decline ?
Right now here in NSW it is very difficult to catch slimey mackerel - A species that was common & generally easy to catch - that is until it became a commercial target species ........ do we need science to justify the need to ban commercial netting of slimey mackerel . I dont think so when the anecdotal evidence points to a problem . ( Its a common theme when talking to other fishoes up & down the coast)
Lost my long reply so here's the short version.
We import significantly more than we export. Basically generating money.
Crays aka lobsters were fairly cheap before we found export markets for them then local prices rose to match, yes greed involved.
Coral trout was a regular in restaurants and seafood places until a market for live coral trout was found to be profitable, once again local prices rose. This was one crappy industry, when I used to fish the Swains back in the early 2000's we'd come across dorys with generally Maori people fishing for live coral trout. They were on strict rules, they were paid $2 for a just legal Coral Trout as this was considered plate size and paid the most o/s, anything larger they got 50 cents per fish. We would regularly get offered a whole esky full of fish for some beer which we rejected.
Yes after exports stopped prices did drop, not much as the exporters still wanted their money, a lot like a labourer who is earning heaps of overtime then that comes to a halt when jobs dry up abd then they cry poor as their spending/borrowing habits are beyond their basic wage.
But then we now live in a global community and that is one of the downsides.
Rec fishers in the north don't need to eat shark as there's enough reef fish to eat, including the half eaten trout you just pulled in after the tax man took his share. Flake tastes a hell of a lot better then the imported "barra" they flog off down south in some batter, and it would help the commercial fishos.
Watch the latest from Reef Adicts, Josh and the boys are getting flogged by sharks, I've never seen anything like it.
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If I really have to explain that to you Chris..then you are part of the problem..;)
I spent 4 years at Uni ..my kids have been to uni and we all see the mindless and sustained indoctrination of young minds by the rabid left wing activists that run the Uni's and that should be there to teach them how to think, research and reason, not just fill their young and inexperienced minds with propoganda and idealism.....
i still remember thinking what an absolute tosser Peter Garret was when he gave a speech at my Uni in Sydney 35 years ago...very ironic to think he actually became Education minister during his political foray..
So in your mind everyone that leaves uni is a leftie ideologist ?
Yes younger people generally are more socially aware ...... but by the same token there are many who are looking for the $$$$$
Generally if you seek a career in the sciences - its more often than not you are not doing it for the money . So does that mean whoever is not out to make a motza is a leftie ?
I know a lot of right wing conservatives see it that way .