B.O.A.T club
Hi again,
My workmate handed me a pamphlet at work the other night about joining the BOAT club. They are based near tipplers and sounds like a great boat / fishing club.
I visited the place the other day during the week and almost all the ground was covered in tents, but nobody there (at work)
Is anyone here a member?
Re: B.O.A.T club
I was a member a few years back...back then they were a great group of people. Spent many weeks camping on the island there...good facilities..hot showers..bar b q's etc plus storage lockers...could leave your campiong gear there.
Re: B.O.A.T club
I went to their website and had a bo-peep and it looks like a very fun loving club. They need a webmaster to fix up the website cos its a bit rough and not a hell of a lot of info or pic's, but all the same, they look like a decent bunch of fisho's. I am strapped for cash right now, so membership may have to happen in the new financial year.
Any other members here?
Re: B.O.A.T club
Im a member. its great can leave my camp setup, come & go as I please with my family
I'll be stsying there for a week in august
Re: B.O.A.T club
Awesome mate, I will be a member by then so we will have to catch up.
Re: B.O.A.T club
MTpockets, what is the web address of the B.O.A.T. Club please.
Re: B.O.A.T club
Re: B.O.A.T club