Can anyone tell me where i can get Hourly Tidal Height Predictions for various places in australia or a least the Townsville area.
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Can anyone tell me where i can get Hourly Tidal Height Predictions for various places in australia or a least the Townsville area.
They are shown in a graph format on my C-Map for all Qld ports & many spots in between. Try the Qld Transport (Marine) website.
click on BOATING and then TIDES
Just change the location and date for where you want!
C map?? where do you get the graph style tide charts I'm looking for the sunny coast.
cheers doug
Some clarification - I assume you mean tide heights at hourly intervals rather than just high and low tide times as given in most publications and on Brownies.
I don't know of a site or publication that has tables like that - although if you have a C-Map device you should be OK.
There is a method for calculating this data - you can find it in the Official Tide Tables and Boating Safety Guide on page 231 of the 2004 edition (the 2005 edition has just been released).
Not an easy task but if you know a little about Microsoft Excel, it wouldn't be difficult to automate some of, if not all of, the calculations.
I have a Raymarine plotter with C-Map. I can get the tide height at a particular time at most places on the area covered by the C-Map.
This is from JTides (see whiteman's link). It works nicely but isn't the easiest to read when you are out and about. It's certainly worthwhile though - I use it to get tidal predictions years in advance and then load that data into a database.
I know our local air sea rescue have them and i have found them for some other ports including Hobart. Handy to have for getting in and out of some of the creeks around here because you can at least know what the water level was when you got in and remember it for next time.
Hi guys there are hourly tide times available online at
They are in printable pdfs.
Strewth this is an old thread. But thanks for the link Dazzzz, always wanted access to that sort of info.
I wouldn't trust the tide from a C map as you can get some large errors in some locations using a computer model, even using historical data my local area is usually out by at least ten percent.