Lamson Reels
Interested to know what everyone thinks of the the lamson pop spool system. Are there any longterm wear implications that may arise from the friction? I don't want the spool to one day jam in, or worse, slip off. I have a velocity and was thinking about buying another one, but a salesman (who by the way, didnt stock the lamsons) told me to be wary.
Re: Lamson Reels
We've been selling the Lamson and Waterworks reels which both use this system since 1998 and have yet to have a spool "pop off". The only thing to look out ofr with these reels is the possibility of water getting past the o-ring seal and into the bearing. This will only happen if the reel is imersed for a period of time. We advise customers to take the spool off the frame every month or so if fishing regularly and just do an eye ball check to see if there are any droplets of water inside - chances are there won't be it dosent hurt to look. If the o-ring has been breached the end cap can be unscrewed, the bearing comes out and any water can be removed and re assembled. A process that would take all of 2 minutes. All in all the waterworks and lamson reels are very well engineered and after the best part of 7 years use they have proven them selves.
Fly World.
Re: Lamson Reels
i've got a 3.5 and a 4 and they are the best reels i've used , :)no worry's at all about the rel comeing off.
cheers john. ; ;)
Re: Lamson Reels
I agree with Chris. There is no way that spool will pop off but make sure you check that no water has breached the o-ring seal. Just keep the maintenance up - saltwater and one way needle roller bearings do not mix. It is an easy reel to pull apart and maintain and is a great piece of engineering - fantastic sounding drag to boot. I own a Waterworks 3.5x (same reel just about) and it's knocked over a lot of salmon and bonito.
Re: Lamson Reels
Thanks fellas, What I wanted to hear. I love my velocity. The drag is so smooth and the sound! Will be in touch Chris in the next few weeks to place an order.
Re: Lamson Reels
Hi Guys,,,, Ive also read on blanton.com that if you send your velocitty back to the company in the US they will repace the current Oring with a new type that there fitting on there newer Velocitys, I dont own 1(wish i did) but from what Ive read you can just do what Bing and MF says (lil bit extra TLC), or Lamason Waterworks will be happy to fix the problem for good. It was a good thread on Dans site,I was planning on getting 1 at the time, you should be able to find it in the chat room archives blanton.com has. Very sexy reels. Quinny