Hi all,
Looking at getting a new fly vise. It seems to be between a baracuda junior or a Renzetti saltwater travller. Any thoughts or suggestions on these or what do you use or reccomend.
Regards Steve :)
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Hi all,
Looking at getting a new fly vise. It seems to be between a baracuda junior or a Renzetti saltwater travller. Any thoughts or suggestions on these or what do you use or reccomend.
Regards Steve :)
i use a Danvice rotating with cam locking.. cost me about $150.. .. pretty simple.. holds tiny flys.. or big flys..
I've got a C-clamp Renzetti Traveler. I added a clouser arm. They now offer the Clouser Traveler. Great for tying long saltwater flies.
If you go for the standard Traveler arm, try the Cam jaws.
I keep hounding them about a cam clouser jaws, but I don't think it's going to happen.
If I was buying a vise now, I'd get a Dyna-King BARRACUDA.
Both the Renzetti and Dyna-King are both great product, and should give you years of tying pleasure.
OK I'm going to ask what is probably a dumb question but can you show us what a clouser arm looks like ?
Here's the Clouser Traveler. Basically a straight arm. Note the screw rather than the cam.
Here's the Cam Traveler. True rotary vise. The fly rotates around the hook.
I think Renzetti where the 1st rotary vises.
I prefer the C-clamp to the solid base.
Check out their full range.
The Dyna-King
Dyna-King site
Definitely Renzetti..... ;D
I have had a Renzetti traveller (C-clamp) for 8 years, and after a series of vises before that I would never change. For the money it is the best. And I have had no problems tying flies from size 28 to 4/0 with it, as the website states....
Steve, If you are only going to use it for saltwater then go for that one, but if you plan to use it also for smaller flies then get the standard traveller...
Thanks for that
But I don't see what is the advantage ?
G'day Steve,
When I was after a new vise, the Renzetti was the vise I wanted. But after comparing it to the Dyna-King there was no comparison. I went with the Dyna-King barracuda junior, it's an awesome vise and will hold everything from small hooks for Bass etc through to 10/0 SL12S for Billie’s.
I second the vote for the Dyna King
the witchdoctor took quite a bit of convincing when he was looking for a vise hence he used my Dyna King for a while but as u can see he's a DK fan now ;D