Ausfish Shirts and packs - Order now and save
Ausfish fishing shirts and Ausfish promo packs have been put together and will be available soon.
Shirts by themselves are $51.00 + GST (Special Price - $44.88 + GST)
Packs with a cap, sticker and stubby holder are $82.00 (Special Price - $72.16 + GST)
Packs with a beanie, sticker and stubby holder are $73.00 (Special Price - $64.24 + GST)
Special price only valid if ordered on or before Feb 6th 2005
To get this price you must enter SHIRT into the section on the shopping cart that says "Enter coupon or gift certificate number" and then click on the Enter button next to it. This will recalculate the price with the discount taken off.
Discount applies to orders of Shirts and packs only, placed on or before February 6th 2005.
To see full details, sizing, and to order go here -
Some pics of the shirts