after some advice
I have recently purchased a economy range fly-rod and reel classed at 6 wt. I have the whole set-up ready to go and have been practising down at the local park for a few weeks and think it is time to let loose on the water.
I will be fishing a brackish piece of water at colleges crossing and was after some fly advice.
What would be a good fly that would take bream, tarpon and maybe even mullet? I am thinking along the lines of a worm fly or bread fly or maybe even a bass vampire.
Also can some one please talk me through a d-loop cast (cant think of the actual name).
And also how far can some of you guys cast? i can hardly get 15m out of a cast...is that about right or am i way off?
Thanks in advance!!!
Re: after some advice
Bread fly will take the bream and mullet. Do you know what type of line you have ie: is it sinking, floating, intermediate?? Bread fly's fish well on a floating line. Haven't had much experience with tarpon - last ones I caught were using white deceivers and brooks blondes.
I'm guessing the D loop cast is the roll cast. I find it hard to explain. With an amount of line out in front of you and rod pointing at line, lift the rod tip up and back. When the tip has travelled about 90 degrees sideways, roll the wrist forward and point the point the rod where you want the line to go. The momentum should allow more line to roll out.
For casting all I can say is save your bucks and get some lessons. Book in with Harro for a session.
Have fun.
Re: after some advice
I live about 10 mins drive from Colleges, have flicked a clouser around there on a cool winter morning last year, no action, but the river was pretty low at the time, be very keen to hear any follow ups on your success, if any. must get back down there and have another go myself.