Paddle accessories WHERE TO BUY
Guys my mate loaned me a kayak for a few days as my son and a few of his mates were coming up the coast with us. 15 year olds - What a hoot!!!! But thats another story. :-/
Any way there was a stainless steel dual paddle support he had that I believed slipped into a cleat on the side of the Kayak. It is a rest for dual paddles when he stops for a flick with lures.
Well you can guess where it ended up and hence I want/need to replace it.
Not much info for you to go on but can any one tell me what they are called and where I might get one. I live on Northside but I need one so will go anbywhere.
I tried BCF as they had some kayaks but they didnt know what I was taslking about.
Anyhow any help much appreciated.
Thanks and cheers Pete
Re: Paddle accessories WHERE TO BUY
Roscoe canoes are on the northside.
Dont know what you are talking about but:-/