Oberon Dam, Brown Trout Survey
Recreational Fishers – Your help is needed
Sunday 24th February 2008
Sunday 9th March 2008
Register at Oberon Dam Wall from 9.00 am
to collect
instructions and survey forms
Gather information for NSWDPI (Fisheries Division) on the
presence, number, condition and species of recreational fish in Oberon Dam.
Participants must comply with NSWDPI fishing regulations and comply with a recreational angler’s code of ethics.
All participants are requested to adhere to a catch, record and release approach.
*Bait fishers are requested to use provided circle hooks for ease of fish release.
CONTACT: Rodney Tonkin, Regional 5 Representative RFFTEC Ph: 02 6362 2373 Mob: 042 777 3323
Participating Organisations:
NSW Department of Primary Industry (Fisheries Division), Central Acclimatisation Society Branches, OTAS, FFB,
LFFC, Sydney Fly Rodders Club, NSW Rod Fishers Society
Salmo trutta Linnaeus 1758: