got my mojo back with jacks and pb
hi all ive had a rough trot over the last few weeks having lost my fishing mojo ive hooked several good fish lately cpl monster flatties one well over 90cm a few jacks and a solid gt that nearly spooled me but found the only crab pot within a km radius but havnt landed much at all due to every reason under the sun bust offs ,pulled hooks and crab pot encounters
well after sitting at home over the last week due to the s#*thouse weather on my holidays i had to have a fish today with the rain and wind gone i headed to the spit after a cpl jewies in the dirty water and with a tide change at 1pm it looked good till after getting to marina mirage i realised summer field days was on and couldnt get up there
so the decision was made to see if the flattys were around at my usual flattie haunt upon arrival confidence wasnt to high due to the coffee colored water plastics were defiantly out so on goes the xrap 12cm model a few casts and i got a barracouda bout 70cmish
cpl more casts and im on again this time a nice 45cm jack hits the bank whoo hoo 1st jack on hb and 1st descent one in daylight with no camera i decided it would make a nice dinner and dispatched it and continued on casting half a dozen casts later im slammed again quick run down the rocks and a solid jack around the 55cm mark is stuffed on the surface (so i thought anyway) with flick of his tail he powers into the rocks at my feet and bricks me so after trying every thing to free him over the next 5-10mins the line goes slack and the profanities begin
re tied a new leader and put on the tilsan barra red and black another 15-20 mins of casting not a touch time to go and get some ice for the fish on the walk back to the car the good old one more cast came to mind and smacko im on again and a lovely 53cm jack is on the rocks whoo hoo a new pb
i asked a fisho nearby if he could take some pics on his phone and send em my way and the fish is swim min again another half a dozen casts for nothin so it was home time
Cheers Shane
sry bout the death shot but bloody forgot the camera and should have the other pic up tonite
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
Great story mate and a nice couple of Jacks too. How'd you cook him up? Bet he was delicious!
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
thanks mate
hell be sundy's bbq dinner
cant wait 1st 1 ive kept in over a year
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
Nice work shane. Couple of nice fish. Im out to tangle with some red fish tomorro. Hope the actions as good as what you had today.
Cheers Whytey
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
Onya Shane, good stuff.
So where's the flathead mate????
You might have to call it your Jack spot, not your flathead spot!!!;D
Cheers Jeff.
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
weapon of mass destruction
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
Nice work Shane....8-)
Did you ever end up doing any good on those milkies you found..?
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
Hey shin25. You will have to give up that tiling job and become a professional jack fisherman.
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
thanks for the comments guys
Pete nah we lost em for a few weeks an now with the recent weather itll be a cpl more we saw more in feb last year so hopin thell be back
cant wait to have a go at them on fly
got into a few tarpon and think a jack on the fly a few weeks back but was havin a shocker (no mojo)and pulled the hooks on em all
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
Good to see your back into the swing of it shinny.
Nice fish.
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
great stuff shin,well done on the pb,been a while since youve done a report i think,certainly worth the wait,good reading.
have to catch up for that flick this year mate.
Re: got my mojo back with jacks and pb
thanks again fellas
Geoff yeah mate defiantly got them at that spot i told you about a while ago also scored another one today only a tacker though 35cm got a cpl cod and got blown away by a cod of at least 70cm two foot of the bank on 40lbs leader stole my x rap too the bugger
Cheers Shane