Boat make over "My old Boat's on ebay"
I was just searching through ebay and i found my old boat.
I recently converted it from a front steer to a console and put front and rear casting platforms in. But doing this boat up i realised the great potential of a console boat.
And wanting to go outside more often i decided to trade it in on a new 489 seahorse. i was told the new boats due on the 10/08/07 so not to much longer to wait.
Id been meaning to put some pictures of the make over online for you all to see but couldn’t figure out how, so heres your chance to see it.
Feel free to comment on my work.
and any one who’s interested in buying it its a great boat never let me down.
Cheers Pete
Re: Boat make over "My old Boat's on ebay"
Feels weird when you see someone else in your old boat...passed our second one once....felt was a mess and we always kept it spotless