Some poverty-stricken magot
Just writing to let every body know that there is a poverty-stricken low life prick living in the Bayside area of Birkdale\ Wellington Point in Brisbane. The scum had come into my yard cut the battery wires and taken the battery plus at the same time, the dumb arse has attemted to steal my outboard, not knowing that big donks have more then the two clamping bolts holding them on. Anyway today I went out and purchased a new battery costing only $120.00 bucks, I think if people can't afford to maintain there boat without stealing things for it, they sould choose a cheaper hobby such as knitting..... worthless scum
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
Right there with you. We had our whole boat stolen, it has been found but completely stripped of everything.
Would love to get a chance to go one on one with these types of scums with a base ball bat.
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
the only good thing these people are good for is turning good food into s_ _ t just hope the battery fails when they are 40ks offshore
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
I parked the boat out the front for a bit whilst i was doing some back yard chores and happend to notice my flares one arvo sitting on the side of the boat.
On further investigations discovered that some (probably kids) #@$@!, had been right through the boat and had everything in it all packed ready to go.
I think either myself or next door must of scared them off.
Probably $400 buckes worth of stuff they would have got away with, people like these will never work for anything in there life.
They will pray on other people to get by.
Ps My guard dog received a stiff warning also.>:(
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
It makes you wonder how they can sleep soundly and not be afraid that someone has caught them and is coming to sort it all out.
No wonder insurance premiums are so high.
Lets hope that the battery has failed already.
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
I had just been told that someone had stolen led nav lights off a boat in the same area, sounds like the lowlife creeps are doing up a boat the cheap way to me. I hope there wiring shorts out, the boat catchs fire, sinks and nobody be there to help the bastards.
cheers steve
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
I do believe karma will dictate a worthwhile issue for these lowlife.
Yes the battery will fail, yes their nav lights will short and cause a boat fire, and no they did'nt have time to pinch a fire extinguisher.
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
we used to have stuff stolen from our house untill we got a guard dog;D;D
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
Originally Posted by
Just writing to let every body know that there is a poverty-stricken low life prick living in the Bayside area of Birkdale\ Wellington Point in Brisbane. The scum had come into my yard cut the battery wires and taken the battery plus at the same time, the dumb arse has attemted to steal my outboard, not knowing that big donks have more then the two clamping bolts holding them on. Anyway today I went out and purchased a new battery costing only $120.00 bucks, I think if people can't afford to maintain there boat without stealing things for it, they sould choose a cheaper hobby such as knitting..... worthless scum
Reading your post has reminded me of just how miserable that sort of thing can make you feel.
Just feel sorry for the low life, with a bit of luck the battery will pay them back out on the water one day.
As for knitting....nah too much for their tiny minds.
cheers r.
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
Scum,Maggots,anal retenetive grubs
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
My only advice is to get a dog. I have a red heeler and he is great. Getting a bit old now but has a great bark when is detects someone.
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
Absolute scum. We have now data dot security on the whole boat- spare wheel, electrics , trailer, , battery hull the works. I know the chance of catching them is slim but just in case i don't want them to get off in the lax court system. We have engraved every iten or UV light Texta all others as well with photos so there is no doubt it is ours if they knock it off. The Police retrieve lots of stuff but can't prove it is stolen so don't lay charges. i just hope if Karma doesn't catch up with these scum that the police and the courts do.
PS Ya might want to tatoo that guard dog just in case as thieves will take anything. Probably dye it white and give it a haircut and sell it on as a poodle
Re: Some poverty-stricken magot
someone should use these people as anchors!!