Re: Stolen Haines Signature
They obviously came prepared to take it you couldn't that big sucker with the average family car . I'll have an eye out when I'm on the Pacific Highway
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Thanks Wombat 100, greatly appreciated.
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Hey Darren - I'll keep an eye out too mate. I live West towards Ipswich just in case it is heading elsewhere out the Warrego or the Cunnigham.
They are nothing but F***ing lowlife mongrels. Hope it is found safe and sound mate.
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Hey Big_Puff_Daddy
Great to know that there are people out there with the same attitude towards the low lifes of this world.
Thanks, knowing that people are out that are willing to keep an eye out helps ease the pain of the loss.
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Originally Posted by
Warning to all boat owners, the boat was parked in our front lawn with an anti-theft device fitted.
Sorry to hear of your loss Outnumbered, hopefully you will get it back......
So that we can better understand if our anti-theft devices are really adequate, are you able to give us some detail of how you had it protected and how you think they may have got around it?
- Darren
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Something that big is going to a bit harder to hide then the average tinnie thats for sure. Hope you get it returned and intact
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Hey Mr Bean
I have been told that the boat still gets moved even with the anti theft device, what they do is connect the saftey chains around the tow ball and drag it away to somewhere were they can cut off the device.
In hindsight I would strongly recommend a hi tensile chain around the trailer wheels and connected to something substantial.
We have been informed that our boat has been found, but fully stripped of everything. I am yet to inspect the boat, and I'm not sure I really want too.
Thanks to everyone that kept an eye out for us.
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
:'( Oh Darren!
I am so sorry to hear about your boat!:(
I can understand why you are in two minds about seeing her now - after all the hard work that you and your family have put in.:( I am not sure that I would want to see her either. I hope it is not too bad.
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Well some good news/some not so good. I hope the pain is low mate and the insurance comes good.
Wish you the best mate.
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Sorry to hear about your dramas and that saying doesn't do justice to how you must be feeling.
Mate I am going to Tweed River next week for a fortnight and have printed a photo of your post pic..... and will keep it in the boat...... Long shot but if I see anything I'll give the cops a call and let you know......
Probably way down south by now...... Sorry and its just wrong....
Pete the Fu%^ing C###S........ :-[
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Hi darren, i live in the redlands area and am on the water twice a week i will keep a eye out for you mate. once ive seen a boat i wont forget what it looks like.
cheers steve
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Hey Guys
Thanks for keeping an eye out, the boat has been found. I am yet to see it but I have been informed that it has been completely stripped. I am scared to find out the full extent of damage etc.
I will let you know hao it all goes.
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Hi darren, sorry to hear about your loss, I know how you feel. Been there done that with a boat some years ago. Where did they eventually find her. Aussie Spirit
Re: Stolen Haines Signature
Very sorry to here of your loss Darren. Good to know that there is a great little community here looking out for eachother.
As Outnumbered mentioned- i have heard of this too, where they put the safety chain around the towball, so what i do is when you lock your anti theft device, feed a link of the chain through the padlock too.
i have seen a number of rigs over the years which will over-ride security precautions taken by owners. At the end of the day, if the bastards want your gear bad enough, then they'll take it.
What goes around...........