Stolen gear from scarborough home
Hey Guys.
The olds have just returned from a couple months overseas and the garage has been rolled over.
Taken from the Scarborough area was the following gear. Judging by what was taken they new they were after fishing gear. Only rods and reels.
5 off Shimano Tiagra Ti80w reels. Upgraded to Ti80wA spec.
5 off Hilton Angler custom made 37kg chair rods. C/W “The Phantom” embossed in the blank. Purple bindings.
4 off Shimano Tiagra Ti16A reels.
4 off Garry Howard custom made 8kg short stroker rods. Bright blue grips and bindings. C/W “The Phantom” embossed in the blank.
4 off Penn 50vsw reels.
2 off Garry Howard fully rollered 24kg stand up rod.
2 off Garry Howard roller tip 24kg stand up rod.
1 off Shimano TLD 20 reel
1 off Hilton Angler custom 8kg stand up rod. C/W “The Phantom” embossed in the blank. Purple bindings.
2 off Duel 6/0 2 speed reels.
2 off Green bound blank 24 kg stand up rods.
6 off Penn 330 GTi overhead level wind reels.
6 off Penn matching 330 GTi rods. Red and black bindings.
2 off Shimano Trynos 20 2 speed reels (brand new with tags on reels)
2 off Shimano T’Curve fully rollered 10kg rods. (brand new with tags on reels)
2 off Shimano TLD 20 reels
2 off Hawk Striker stand up 8kg rods. Matching Black and Gold bindings.
There were also brand new still in the bag 15 and 24 kg T'curves left behind and about 15-18 TLD 15 and 20 rods and reel sets. Looks like they may have been startled or they filled there ute up. Pleanty of other valuable stuff left behind.
If anyone hears anything or sees some gear for sale please let me know. All of the custom gear has the the boat name embossed into the blanks and all the gear apart from the shity penn 330 GTi rods and reels are very recognisable.
The Phantom Game Fishing Charters
Re: Stolen gear from scarborough home
We'll keep an eye out for "The Phantom" rods. With so much great gear you would wonder what avenue the "ankles"(2ft lower than a karnt) might sell them :angryfire: If anyone sees good reels/rods going cheap ask the question why ?