• Freshwater Fishing

    Freshwater angling over the last few years has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity, due in the main to the stocking with native fish of impoundment's and rivers. Most of our apparently barren dams, angling species wise, have now been stocked with Golden and Silver Perch, Australian Bass, Murray and East Coast Cod. Other fish like Spangled Perch and Eel Tail Catfish are present naturally and are very prolific. The average size of the fish you can expect to catch will be far in excess of their saltwater cousins. Golden Perch of 1 kg are common and fish of 3 kg can be expected, a lot bigger than the average size Bream. Murray Cod can reach 20 kg plus, and Bass along with Silver Perch are hitting the 1.5 kg mark.

    All these fish take bait, and are very receptive to lures, which make them terrific all round sportfish no matter what angling style you use. For the average angler, taking the family freshwater fishing, using bait is the best way to begin. On most dams, a boat is almost essential as it allows you to move around to fish the best spots. Native fish prefer some sort of cover, be it drowned trees, logs, rocks, weed beds or steep banks. These are the places you fish and most boats now have sounders to help them pinpoint the areas where fish will be congregated. Schooling in one place is a common habit of Golden and Silver Perch as well known as Bass. The Cod are a more solitary fish, a big on taking up residence in a prime feeding location, and keeping competitors away. One important thing to remember, is the depth of the water. No deeper than 10 metres, normally around the 6 metre mark. The fish generally seem to prefer these depths.
    The bait for freshwater fishing is quite simple, earth worms, fresh water shrimp and crayfish are the easiest to obtain. The worms you can dig yourself, the shrimp and crays are caught with a simple dilly net with small mesh or with any sort of funnel type bait trap, homemade or you can choose from the many shops.

    The most common way to fish with these is by the "bobbing" method. You simply rig up using a #2 to 2/0 french pattern hook with a 1 to 3 ball sinker on top of it. A small swivel a few centimeters up the line to stop line twist completes this simple rig. Line size can be any where from 3 to 6 kg, try not to fish too heavy. Anchor or tie up so the boat will not swing around too much. You may prefer to be secured bow and stern. Simply drop the bait straight down to the bottom, and then start "bobbing'" it up and down in regular motion. Just lift it a few centimeters off the bottom before dropping it again. Keep a tight line at all times and contact with the bottom. The direct wind of an Alvey reel is ideal for this method, you will normally feel the bite as the bait is lifted. Stop and drop it slightly before setting the hook. Sometimes with Silvers and Bass, lifting the bait up and bobbing at different levels above the bottom, will find them, especially in deeper water, Be prepared to shift regularly, if nothing happens in 15 to 20 minutes, move. Often a relocation of only a few metres will put you on fish.

    Fishing from the bank with bait is basically set and forget. Cast out just behind the weeds or near cover, with the same basic rig and bait. Set the rod/s up in a rod holder or the old forked stick method, and wind the slack out of the line.

    Simply sit back, relax and watch for line or rod moving. You can use a float if the conditions are right, but make sure you have the bait set close to the bottom.

    Lure fishing can take the form of trolling or casting. Trolling is by far the preferred method in dams as it allows you to cover more territory and keep the lures down deep. The most efficient type of lure is basically a deep diving model that will wobble with a wide action at a slow speed. There are many different brands available, and some of the best ones are Aussie made. Bright contrasting colours in yellow, green or red with black markings are recommended. Trolling is where a sounder is invaluable. The secret is to keep your lure close to the bottom around the 4 to 5 metre level. A sounder lets you follow the bottom at there depths, and shows you any structure that might be holding fish. Troll as slowly as possible (2 to 3 knots) and if you get a strike or fish, go back and keep trolling over and around that spot, as most fish will tend to school on a feature like a boulder, stump or log. Don't be afraid of snagging your lure. If you are not getting hung up regularly, you are not keeping the lure in the strike zone. The tackle for trolling should be a non reversing star drag reel, 500C5 or 55C5 matched with a fast taper rod, no longer than 2 metres, 6 to 8 kg line inadequate to handle the size of fish you would expect. A vital piece of equipment for saving your lure is Tackleback lure retriever (large model).

    Freshwater fish can be caught all year round, but in dams activity does slow in winter, summer tends to be the best season. In rivers, the fishing carries on through the colder months, especially west of the Great Divide. A rising barometric pressure is considered to bring freshwater fish on the bite. The great thing is that our freshwater fishery is improving, and with sensible management with bag limits and ethical angling methods, it will play a big part as a recreational resource.