View Full Version : dangerous soft plastics

31-03-2004, 04:45 AM
hi everyone
did any of you catch the report on extra about the soft plastics being bad for us causing cancer, infertility and long term ilness i use soft plastics alot and sort of agree what they are saying as we dont know what they are putting into them.
just like to hear everyone else view of this and if anyone is worried about it.

although i wont stop using them as they work to well


31-03-2004, 04:50 AM
dam right they are worse than durries..

31-03-2004, 05:19 AM

It was on Brisbane Extra Yesterday, http://www.extraonline.com.au/story/details.asp?StoryID=9602

If you think the use of pthalates in soft plastic baits are a concern what about babies dummies.

31-03-2004, 05:45 AM
Yeh I saw that. I was amazed they opened the story with concerns about for fishos and the use of soft plastics, then later in the story just happened to mention that the same carcenogenic substance is found in babies dummies, where direct contact with the pthalates is more common and entering a smaller body mass where it'd be more concentrated - You'd tend to think that'd be more important and hence begin the story with that?
I'd say the risk of being affected by the substance is pretty minimal. I'm not too worried myself.

31-03-2004, 06:00 AM
Use em for fishing
Dont eat em, pillies taste much better anyway! (IQF of course!)

Tony ;D ;D ;D

31-03-2004, 06:36 AM
LMFAO Tony....

Am wondering on recipes for soft plastics now...


Touchy - R.I.P.
31-03-2004, 09:20 AM
Crikey,Now I know why Zeeke was glowing in the dark when we had that early morning fish the other week not only is his dummy a problem the 10,000 frangers he has could be a factor as well,never mind Tim you looked ok for your age :-X. Cheers Touchy.><>.

31-03-2004, 09:26 AM
i only glow to see the fish better mate ;) and its not all the plastics.. just just all the lead i swallow from them jigheads.. looks like a doomed creature of fishing now.. Soft Plastics, Jigheads, Sinkers.. Petrol.. hmm.. whats safe now?? cant catch the poor buggers by hand.. especially them flathead.. Touchy learnt that lesson hmm.. cant even use the spear gun for fear of shooting an endangered seagull


31-03-2004, 10:16 AM
I just read that article, and quite honestly i think its a big crock of S**T. The story is completely pointless, has no reference to any credible information at all and is in fact just a story. I might submit an article to "extra" tommorow about "how stupid media shows are stuck due to a lack of credible information" or "how watching current affairs programs can actually lead to radiation poisoning, brain tumors, alcoholism and drug addiction". Dont believe a word you hear from these current affairs shows as most of it is fabricated and over exaggerated entertainment and that is all it is. I wouldnt recommend to stop using soft plastics, however i would recommmend to seriously think about stop believing everything cheap current affairs journalists have to say.

31-03-2004, 11:21 AM
ohhhh crap, im gonna have to stop nibbling on them.......LOL

sounds serious huh? considering they work so well.

31-03-2004, 12:56 PM
Crikey,Now I know why Zeeke was glowing in the dark when we had that early morning fish the other week not only is his dummy a problem the 10,000 frangers he has could be a factor as well,never mind Tim you looked ok for your age :-X. Cheers Touchy.><>.

You still at UQ Touchy? If so, drop by for a cuppa, I promise not to put any softplastics in it! ;D

31-03-2004, 03:56 PM
hell with all this cancer crap it is now wonder we are not all liveing in HMMM can't say plastic bubble any more :P
seem they find more and more things that cause cancer (maybe they should try to find the cure not the cause) it make you wonder how they lived ages ago (robs times :-X) when they didn't even know about crap like this! sure would of been simpler time for simple men like myself ;D

31-03-2004, 04:08 PM
I didnt get to see what they actually put on air. Was a bit concerned when they called me about the issue & took the opportunity to put it in perspective & try to paint angling in the best possible light. While the phthalates used in the plasticizers are not good for you or the environment, they are a part of everyday life these days. I also pointed out that some manufaturers in the industry are changing over to vegetable oil based plasticizers which are inert & dont leach into the environment.

I'd like to know exactly what they aired & what Bernie Ripol had to say. They said he was having a bit to say.

BTW- The whole thing got started by someone who bought a packet of XXX brand plastics & read the health warning on the packet. Depending on where they're manucatured & what chemicals are used, they may or may not have to put these warnings on.

In short, the info I've read tells me that while not the best thing out there, they are fairly stable in the short term & quite safe to touch, but I wouldn't be biting them off to shorten them as many anglers do, particularly the younger folk who plan to have kids one day. I've got all the kids I want so I might go hack into a pack for dinner....



01-04-2004, 08:58 AM
Yup, deep fried squidgies with a tossed atomic salad is definately the go for lunch [smiley=stupid.gif]

01-04-2004, 02:41 PM
I just bought a new reel and it has a sticker saying

Warning : This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects and other reproductive harm.

So maybe Zeekes right and we will have to start catching fish with our teeth :o

01-04-2004, 02:56 PM
I remember years ago there was an article on to possibility of getting skin cancer from washing your hair and letting the soap on your back.

Sounds like a load of rubbish to me.

01-04-2004, 04:32 PM
the sun will give you cancer, the air we breethe will give you cancer, anything that purports to be healthy is usually shown up to have something bad in it. Enjoy your life while you have it.

02-04-2004, 10:05 AM
The most damaging cheimcal known to man is - oxygen. It will even eat away at metal. It causes most cancers I think.

There was a scare story going around recently about re-using plastic drink bottles (better to fork out for a new one each time?). Apparently they leach carcinogens into the water. Followed it up - apparently the levels can exceed 1 millionth of the WHO recommended safe limit.

On the other hand the effect of some carcinogens is non-linear. That is smaller doses can be worse that larger doses. A bit like that quack medical theory where they dilute poisons to give you as cures. Forget the name sorry.

Oh yeah they are worried about soft plastics because they use a lot more of the stuff than dummies.

03-04-2004, 04:52 AM
"Warning : This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects and other reproductive harm."

This warning is for lead. You will find all products which may be sold in California have to have this label if there is any chance of lead in the product. So any soft plastics with lead embedded in the plastics will have to display the label.

03-04-2004, 03:32 PM
Wot doya have to do in California? Trail a warning lable for the fish?

'Warning!!! Mr. Fish don't bite this plastic thingi it may be harmful to your health.


06-04-2004, 08:33 AM
i think its a bit far fetched myself? but i guess research doesn't lie! 8)

12-04-2004, 10:25 PM
I have this double tail plastic lure and I dropped it onto a plastic CD case and left it there for a week. It melted the CD case and stuck to it, so these things have funny stuff in them for sure. But fish like them. Wonder if you can get cancer from scoffing a fish that has scoffed a Squidgey. Max

12-04-2004, 10:25 PM
I have this double tail plastic lure and I dropped it onto a plastic CD case and left it there for a week. It melted the CD case and stuck to it, so these things have funny stuff in them for sure. But fish like them. Wonder if you can get cancer from scoffing a fish that has scoffed a Squidgey. Max

13-04-2004, 01:48 AM
Soft Plastics have a habit of melting hard plastics, its the plasticisers in the chemical make up of the plastic that gives them there softness .. thats why when buying any tackle box that is to be used to keep soft plastics it must be labled "Worm Proof".. most tackle box's already are, but some still fall victim to the evil plastic and get eaten inside out.... its also how soft plastics leach colours into things.. like putting your yellow and red 2" grubs together.. they slowly turn into pale red, or pale yelow and a few orangey coloured grubss.
