View Full Version : live fibre texalium rods

03-05-2004, 05:46 PM
I am in the market for 2 new 15-24kg outfits. One an overhead outfit with Shimano TLD 20 or 25 and the other a spinning outfit with a Penn 9500 Spinfisher. I like the look of the Live Fibre range of rods but I am wondering if the new texalium range is worth the extra money? Anyone used them yet and what are they like?

04-05-2004, 05:30 AM
Well if you are going to go up to 24 kg's don't go smaller then a 25. TLD's are good value. I really like the Penn International. What fish are you going for?

04-05-2004, 09:37 AM
what will you be fishing for? will it be bottom bashing with 50lb braid or game fishing with 50lb mono?
if you will be bottom fishing then a TLD 25 on a 7 foot 15-24kg live fibre would be perfect!
food for thought though-- have you taken a look at the PNG bass 15-24KG llive fibre baitcaster? its is light as a feather but built like a brick shit house! teamed up with a smaller over head with a super smooth drag it would be a top (extremely light) bottom fishing set up!
the texaliums feel like a top rod but i am yet to try one on the water.
as for the penn spinfisher.. they ae built tough but i am not a fan of them at all.... gimme a 6500 bait runner or "thunnus" any day!

04-05-2004, 01:03 PM
i too had a look at the texaliums and very interested BUT,
Some guy told me that because its an aluminium wrap, when it bend alot it might stayed bent???
and i dont like the look of the big lump where the wrap meets the fibre halfway???

i know of a couple of guys who have used it and says its the best rods they have used

sooooo... im gonna get a 15-24kg texalium later this year
looks like a awesome rod though doesnt it? VERY PRETTY ROD!!!!!!


05-05-2004, 06:19 PM
Will be mostly using the overhead outfit for light game fishing for mackeral, wahoo, dolphin fish etc at the Bunker Group and occassionally Swains and beyond. Will use it a bit for bottom bashing i guess. The spinning outfit will mostly be used for throwing poppers and jigging but also for bottom bashing for reefies. Was thinking mono on the overhead and braid on the spinning reel. And Jeffo why don't you like the Penn Spinfishers?

06-05-2004, 04:59 AM
That ain't light game fishing Trout! Have you caught many mackerel, dolphine, cobia, wahoo etc? You don't need 24 kg or even 15 kg to get them in. All you will do is pull the hooks out of their mouth or pull green fish with big teeth into the boat and get some gear destroyed or sustain some serious injuries.

Get a TLD15 or 20 and use 8 kg mono or 15 kg absolute tops for mackerel, wahoo, and dolphin etc. It is alal more fun too and isn't that what fishign is all about?


06-05-2004, 02:33 PM
I like the look of the rods, but don't know much about them, shimano is great gear

06-05-2004, 05:31 PM
Thanks Jeremy point taken about the outfit being more than light game. I guess I am trying to have an outfit which will be as versatile as possible. I intend to fish the 15-24kg rods at the lighter end when fishing the Bunker Group and fish the rods at the heavier end when I get out to the outer barrier reefs. Some big Dogtooth and Yellowfin and Wahoo out there. Going back to the 10-15kg live fibre rods might be on the small size out there? What do you think.

07-05-2004, 07:35 AM
Maybe sportfishing isn't appropriate in the areas you are talking about? Sharks etc. I have never caught a dogtooth or a wahoo myself. I have caught a few spanish and longtail tuna. All but the biggest specimens are easily handled on 8 kg line IMHO. But, if there are sharks around or you want to use it to pull fish off the reef, then 15 kg or even 24 kg might be more appropriate. You'd have to ask someone who knows more about that scene than me.

Like I said though, an average spanish won't pull much line off if you are fishing 8 kg drag on your 24 kg outfit and you'll have it in the boat within 5 minutes. Just be careful of green fish in the boat!

