View Full Version : wilson live fibre surf rod - waddayathink

21-04-2004, 11:35 AM
sort of like closing the gate after horse has bolted.

I just bought a 13'6 wilson live fibre surf (blue range?) version this morning - who has one & what do ya think ?

I couldn't justify the extra $ for a custom job like my "pretty boy" crew have gone with. Got the Wilson for $169.

I am finally placing into semi retirement the awesome butterworth powergraph that is barely recognisable from its initial 1983 fitout - I don't think any of its runners match & the bindings are all different but what a good mate its been. It won't go to the dump just yet, it still has some years of live bait work ahead.

It's gunna be hard to get used to the feel of a new pole in the dark :o(did I say that ? you know what I mean)

your thoughts & comments would be appreciated - particulary anyone who takes their casting seriously with regard to the best load up weight.



21-04-2004, 12:51 PM
what model is it???

21-04-2004, 12:53 PM
I'd be interested in hearing yours or anyone elses opinion of your stick. I will soon be looking for a long, strong, 75% broomstick, that is dangerous to large jewies and makes a pilchard's eyes water when casting. Would that adequately describe your new rod.

21-04-2004, 02:07 PM

she's a fair stick. Quick taper in the top half but takes some loading to flex into the lower half. Christ though they are thick in the butt section. That could be a good thing though, I used to cramp in my fingers at times - the powergraph is much thinner, heavier & slower in its taper.

The build is really good for a mass job - no noticeable distortion under load - good runner position well suited to the blank - a fluke with a formula rod? or did they take the time to work it out.

I was either going to build my own from a pacific composite blank , get a custom job from the builder at the Tackle Warehouse, or go a Wilson (I'd heard some good things about lighter smaller live fibres). Time will tell - my only impresssions so far are from testing inside a tackle shop & outside in their parking lot "swatting flies".


21-04-2004, 03:21 PM
Sounding good. What reel are you putting on it? ie good runner positions in relation to an alvey, or a threadline or a overhead? Also how far from the butt is the reel seat?

21-04-2004, 04:39 PM

good runner positions in relation to the curve of the rod.

low seat - ie short butt

i run a big black girl - an alvey 700c star drag -
"fastest reel in the suds" said sheriff chris.

the rod i believe is also available with smaller first runners & a loooong butt if you are a girlie or nasty mexican.

here we are just a couple of blokes talking about their butts & their rods - that's what AUSFISH is all about - blokey stuff like that. lol


22-04-2004, 07:01 AM
Thanks Chris,
Yeah, stay away from discussions about preferred lubricants. :-X

22-04-2004, 09:50 AM
the kiwis prefer Lanoguard I beieve :-X



28-04-2004, 04:56 AM
I think I want one of those rods, tell me what you think of it after a few goes!!

28-04-2004, 07:45 AM

I think I have the earlier version (yellow) instead of blue. It's my favourite rod for the heavier action surf. Light allover with a great taper and light action tip. You can really load up on it with no concerns at all.

I'll be putting it to the test next week on straddie. I run the standard 650B's which makes for good fun on the big Tailor with a bit of shore dump.


28-04-2004, 12:16 PM

i intend also to be indasuds that weekend. I think the morning highs with the moon below may better than the early evening highs with a bright moon following the sun.

I am thinking off a surf shift that combines hunting a big beast with a livie on the low around 1am (that should be just about moonset - which incidently is a favorite bream phase of mine over straddie that very few others seem to fish for some reason) then sitting in for the hard yards & rising tide to dawn. I'll either be on north or south straddie, hopefully north.



29-04-2004, 10:18 AM

I'll be on North Straddie from Wednesday arvo 12 May to Maybe Sunday the 16th.

Let me know if they coincide with your vist and we'll catch up.


29-04-2004, 10:38 AM
hey brett,

it may end up being that weekend on north for me.

Got told by SWSBO that due to ellicit fishing rod & L/Rover purchases the accounting dept will not be allocating a barge fare & rum allowance this full moon - I have been told though to resubmit my application for the next new moon (the weekend 14, 15,16/05) & it may be viewed "favorably".

That's why I'll never own an electric mower - that tin of fuel will get the boat to south straddie & back ;D ;D ;D there's always a way to beat the accountants.


30-04-2004, 05:46 AM
I like the way you work Chris,

When I was back in sport I had every Tuesday/Wednesday off and often three days off in a row.

Me and the ol Hilux found ourselves camped on Main or Down the Pin about twice a month on average. The place has changed a bit since then.

Got my best haul of bream from a spot that no longer exists. I guess I was teaching myself beach fishing and never got into the jew or big fish attempts.

Used to be really happy with the dart, bream, whiting, tailor and flathead. Now I've got better techniques for all these fish I can't seem to get over there as much.

Should have seen me try to teach myself how to pull worms for the first 12 months. Bloody laugh.

It's a great place and never get tired of going over. The world's a different place when you get off that barge.


06-05-2004, 05:47 AM
Have you given that rod a bit more of a workout yet?
I'll be looking at getting one or something similar next week probably.

06-05-2004, 10:38 AM

Yeah, tried her out Sunday morning on the beach at south straddie - conditions could not have been more favourable. Biggest fish of the morning was a 3 - 4 ft shovel nose, the rod handled it all without a worry barely beding beyond the nice action in the top quarter - the others worth noting 2 x 40cm plus sea bream.

The pick up on the bites I was impressd with as I was using virtually no lead & walking a drift pattern across the gutters entrance. Felt the initial bites & the knaw of the follow (was using pillies) rigged to swim. I would have been getting close to 80-100m casts in (about 60% effort) & no line slap (you can get that with a big reel ) using just the pillie with a single wrap of roofing lead on the leading hook. The rod will handle a lot more weight & cast easy - but I think 120m will be a max with 18lb line wind drag.

Felt good in the hand - better matched to the 700 Alvey than the powergraph, butt though could be an inch shorter for my liking - I'll give it another 6 sessions though before I produce the hacksaw.

I'm happy with the purchase & pleased with the price $169 from Capt'n Blighs. Also pleased they gave me that price which was listed as a special 2 weeks earlier when I was away (in the local rag in my letterbox on return) - their normal price was $199 - but I asked the question & they kept me happy - some blokes bad mouth em - I havn't had cause to fault em yet - even when I compared their bonito* last week to Tutankhamen's wife ;D ;D ;D

There were some longtails just outside the break, but they never came in to REALLY test the rod out.

*every where I went though the bonito was shite & in poor supply

07-05-2004, 05:17 AM
Two 40cm+ breambos - now we're talking.

Whoo hoo - only 6 more sleeps

07-05-2004, 08:07 AM
Cheers Chris, Sound like what I'm after.

07-05-2004, 08:10 AM
& I missed a lot of bream brett - definitely bream not dart. I was specifically targeting tailor to be the first in my mob to score this winter - "FIRST BLOOD" as we call it.There are going to be some absolute whooers this winter - the condition on em is excellent - once they start to spawn & come inside look out !!

Jeff - I honestly think you'll be happy with it, & its got a nice finish too.


07-05-2004, 09:57 AM

Were they hitting the pillies or were you using slab flesh bait. I've had great succes on froggies sometimes in the surf.

I'd get the bait knocked off a bit which obviously weren't tailor bites and then swap down to 3x3os with a froggie and the breambos would start walking across the water.

My biggest goes 44cm but it came on a piece of mullet fillet on a 2o with a small stinger.

Always laugh when the breambos are so hungry you'll pull them in on 4x4os with a big pillie.

Straight outa the surf they taste great.


07-05-2004, 12:37 PM
these were nice mid-sized WA pillies from the GEM. The infamous Mackeral Man John Schouw taught me how to make them swim in Feb - so this year its slabs or livies at night - swimmin' pillies in the light - always trying something new.

The bream smashed the bejesus out of 'em. Both of the bream hooked on the front hook - these were big predatory bream not scavengers.

Big sea bream - I call 'em Silver Emperor - fillet & skinned mmm

08-05-2004, 06:36 AM

What's the secret to making them swim? soemthing that must only be told on a dark night on a wind swept beach amongst men who have passed the right of passage?


12-05-2004, 03:18 AM
The greenbacks are on their way, I went down to the Brunswick heads last sat and caught 5 between 4 & 5 lbs.

13-05-2004, 09:05 AM
ahhh spindles,

just like my scale encrusted beanie, you appear with the first true sou'wester of the year. ;D ;)

Nice fish mate - a good start to things. How'd the hands hold up. I've been reading with interest the reports.

I'll be back on the beach this weekend with the making new moon.

Incidently, I'm going to buy one of those cheap smokers this year - had some smoked tailor up at Noosa at Xmas & yummmmo.



13-05-2004, 09:12 AM
What's the secret to making them swim?

its a ancient practice called "Pilchard Whispering". ;D ;D ;D

its fairly common knowledge Brett that most mackeral chasers can show you.

Keep in mind I'm yet to catch the fish I'm targeting - but the pillies look sexxy swimming rather than spinning - although it did fool a few dumbarse bream & a banjo that probably had sand in its eyes anyway.
