View Full Version : Rod Holders

16-05-2004, 07:43 PM
Has anyone had much experience with the raiil mounted rod holders. I need to fit some to the back of my tinnie but I am unable to fit flush mounted ones as I won't be able to open the hatch's to access under the rear casting deck.
If I could get some info on these before outlaying the cash to buy two of them it would be appreciated.
Any other ideas of what I could use would also be appreciated. I can post photo's if anyone wishes.


18-05-2004, 03:33 AM
I use some rail mounted and fully adjustable rod holders in my tinny. I think they are called clip-lock. Only about 6" long and uses a metal bar in a 'U' shape to lock the rod into place. I find them quite good and they weren't expensive - about $35 each. There are a number of other brands out there which use the half tube type and these are OK also. See if you can open the package before you buy it and try it out with a rod to see if you like it.

