View Full Version : what line would you recommend on this?

02-07-2004, 11:43 AM
i have a penn gti 320 on a 25 pound rated rod. im looking at putting braid on but not sure what brand / size to use.

i mainly fish offshore down the goldcoast about 10-13km out in about 40-50 meters. is it best to buy 100m of braid then the rest mono line so when fish run or just use all braid. i put about 2m of shock leader at bottom.

so what im asking is what size braid/brand and mono/brand if use both lines.

thanks, i chase anyfish out there!!

03-07-2004, 06:01 PM
300 meters of 30lb super braid, probably need some backing first to fill the reel up and then use 40lb Jinkai leader. When it comes to leader length I usually have it long enough to get a few wraps on the reel, probably close to 4 meters but thats just me.

Cheers, Clutter

04-07-2004, 10:01 AM
thanks mate