View Full Version : ATTENTION: Steve Ooi

12-07-2004, 05:46 AM
Hi Steve

Thankyou for the great info on the braid.

For my science project, I also need to know what mono is made out of.

If you could give me some more fantastic information, I'm sure I'll get an A.



12-07-2004, 01:28 PM
Monofilament lines basic come under 2 main catergories
Nylon single / Co polymer lines and Fluorocarbons.

Standard monofilament of single polymer construction is made from nylon.
Nylon since it developemnt the 1930’s has came ahead in leaps and bound as one of the most useful plastics around, from ladies stocking, clothing,ropes ,parachutes,bags, fishing line and the list goes on and on. Made from petroleum products it relative cheap and easy to manufacture, It is highly resistant to wear and abrasion , as a fishing line it has qualities like inbuilt stretch which can be up to and sometimes above 20 percent.(which at times can be good or bad)
Nylon is hydroscopic so it will soak in water and its strength decreases after extend period of being wet ,nylon is adversely effected by UV light from the sun over time as well.

Co-polymer line utilises nylon and other polymers to give the line different characteristics or benifits such as less memory, better strength, better abrasion resistance or less stretch. Copolymer lines can be made in the form of coatings,such as a single monfilament with a inner core and a outer coating.

Flourocarbons lines are made from polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) , and are much different from nylon lines, they have a higher specific gravity of about 1.7 so they sink faster . There refractive index is about about 1.4 ( closer to the refractive index of water ) so they are less visible. They are a stiffer line that has harder coating and do not stretch as much as nylon which makes them a bit harder to tie good knots in.
they generally have more memory so they can be hard to tame on reels.
Flourocarbon is not hydroscopic ,doesn’t soak in water. Also flourocarbon is not effect by the UV light.
The cost of materials to manufacture flourocarbon lines is more expensive than their nylon counterparts so they tend to be priced accordingly. Many of the properties of flourocarbon make it an ideal choice to be use for leader material.

I hope that little bit of info helps.
Steve Ooi.