View Full Version : SQUIDGIES ARE THE GO

06-06-2004, 11:14 AM
WOW These new squidgies are the go .
Went up the river to check crab pots with a mate Today so I took my daughters fishing rod we had no bait but tied to the line was this squidgie wow did I underestymate this little sucker
within 2 casts It caught this flathead not a keeper but a nice fish this was while my mate was pulling in a pot.We went into some good country where bait fish where being stirred up so I flicked the line out and reeled in a 480mm Flat head. They really work .
Can't wait to buy a bigger version to try out on the reef .
Any one else had luck using squidgies ( at least your hands are clean) [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
BladeRunner [smiley=bandana.gif]

06-06-2004, 01:29 PM
hey bladerunner,
sounds like you have been infected with the plastic bug [smiley=2thumbsup.gif]
great fun isnt it?
i have had heaps of luck with squidgies and also other brands too.
keep at it. it only gets better from here [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

06-06-2004, 02:22 PM

No 2 squidgies in jelly prawn are dynamite on Pike, they love em

07-06-2004, 07:52 AM
pike eat anything :)
atleast the pike at wello point do, one day i caught a pike on every lure in my box
you get sick of pike after a while as they shred your plastics

07-06-2004, 09:20 AM
anyone with suggestions for what squidgys to use around the gold coast broadwater shoreline?
they look like fun and would love to give them a try ???

07-06-2004, 10:12 AM
Scotty... some Berkley 3" Drop Shot Minnows in like a watermellon, or bloodworm kind of colour. Or even something with a pearl.

Either that or a 2" Atomic fat grub.

07-06-2004, 09:17 PM
Yes I think they work. Here is one of the Jacks we got yesterday in Cold,Wet and windy conditions

07-06-2004, 09:31 PM
Where'd you go yesterday Snelly ?

Went down the haughton. Hard work for the day, ended up with a single barra of 57.999999999999 ::) ;D

08-06-2004, 08:54 AM
Grab yourself some bloodworm wrigglers, and gary glitters.....the two best by far...although 24 carat works a treat on flatties ;)

08-06-2004, 11:23 AM
well i tryed a few on the weekend, a mate had a dvd of the squidgies so i had a look at it then off to the tackle shop
got my self a starters pack
went down the broardwater to try them out, started at the spit with no luck
then tryed under the southport bridge, used a small blood worm but only had a small headweight on it so i couldnt cast it out as far as i would have liked, but i did manage to land about 7 small flathead all too small so back they went
so now im hooked on these things so im off to the tackle shop to get a few more to try

08-06-2004, 12:46 PM
i tried a purple one (not sure of the colour name) and on about my 5th cast pulled in a 39cm flathead.

my two mates that i was fishing with, were both shocked when i showed them what i caught it on, there response was. you caught it on THAT THING??

think i converted them with that one fish.

09-06-2004, 04:19 AM
Has anybody had any experience with the pink Sqidgies? I have a pack of them plus some soft plastic look-a-like fish with hologram eyes in green with silvery flecks. I'll be giving them a go next weekend.

09-06-2004, 07:12 AM
I have never really got into using them but any info would be great on catching bay snapper & flathead eg jig head weights colours brands etc. Has any body had luck with them offshore in 20m plus i freind of mine reckons if the reefs off the sunny coast arent producing with baits he sets up a couple on a patternoster rig and that seems to do very well
cheers jimbob

10-06-2004, 11:57 AM
Never caught a fish on 'em but I have only played around with 'em. Foulhooked a sand crab once though:-)

I'm gonna get serious with 'em this weekend and would appreciate any info on the following that the kids have given me as prezzies:

Atomic 2" shad (American).........Squidgy wriggler frostbite colour....Squidgy Fish true blue colour (sparkling)......Tsunami pro green holographic.......Mad Shad orange and black colour by Oz livin' bait series........and some white grubs that look like maggots with a tail.

Are they crap? Please don't tell me I've gotta spend some more on tackle :-)

cheers kev

10-06-2004, 12:24 PM

Looks like you will need some heads to suit the tails you have.

Its all a new learning experience and unfortunatly YES it will lead to more spending on tackle.


10-06-2004, 02:31 PM
I was by axident I found a new freind in a squidgie not only are they inexspensiive
but they attracked the goods don't be a mean the kids have got it right this time
BladeRunner [smiley=bandana.gif]

10-06-2004, 05:17 PM

Looks like you will need some heads to suit the tails you have.

Its all a new learning experience and unfortunatly YES it will lead to more spending on tackle.


The kids also got me some yellow, orange and red heads of different sizes/hooks.......they have eyes on them. The Tsunami holographic and the squigy fish I've got, are already weighted and hooked. The thing is, many of the heads seem too light for where I fish in the Pin when the tide is running, even if use lighter line as do those already weighted......am I simply fishing in the wrong places with them......I seem to catch alright on my baited (heavier) tackle.



11-06-2004, 03:47 AM
Kev, You need to make sure you have enough weight to get down to the bottom, just like when you fish with bait.....

Drevil, The pink squidgies, Killer Tomato, are a flatty special, they just love them.....one place I go at Sandgate, that and the 24 carat is all I use on them ;)

11-06-2004, 10:50 AM
Re the Pink Squidgies. Surprisingly I've used them up at Wivenhoe Dam and have caught nothing but Tilapia on the 2" pink Squidgies. When I told the Ranger that he couldn't believe that we actually caught Tilapia on SP's. But I can tell ya they work a treat, particularly late in the day.

Will be heading back to Wivenhoe in July and look forward to hooking more Tilapia's and helping reduce the noxious pests.

11-06-2004, 11:50 AM
i think they are a trial and error thing
if one isnt working try another i used a bloodworm on the weekend and had some fun with some small lizards
but keep trying them
great fun

12-06-2004, 05:02 AM
I also bought a 2 pack of jigs with eyes painted on them, meant to look like a little squid I guess. They are painted red & yellow, but I'm not sure how to use them. I'm thinking maybe verticle jigging rather than retrieving? I'll see if I can post a pic in the next few days.

12-06-2004, 07:45 AM

try the SPs with the weight they came with first. Too much weight will kill the action. You might need a bigger tail to take a heavier weight in some of the deeper or faster flowing spots. They do work really well though - just use a nice slow retrieve to bounce it along the bottom.


16-06-2004, 05:12 PM
Now we know that Tarpon are suckers for Squidgy's and SP's in general and this one isn't bad at 53cm BUT

16-06-2004, 05:14 PM
What type of Squidgy would you use on one of these ?

16-06-2004, 05:45 PM
hook a tarpon to the end of a 80mm model and have a bit of fun with the big fella

26-06-2004, 01:45 PM
Hi All
I bought some more squidgies today one in particular called Killer Tomato just for flicking about on the river.
Nice jack snelly thats what I am chasing to, any tips for me ? ;)
The other Bloodworms I shall give em a go this week end
Full of expectations [smiley=smug.gif]
BladeRunner [smiley=bandana.gif]

26-06-2004, 05:38 PM
I like to use the 70mm squidgie fish in jelly prawn up here in Darwin, Barra AND salmon love them

26-06-2004, 05:40 PM

27-06-2004, 03:38 PM
ive found that ive caught bigger flathead on squidgies than on anything else.
but had great success onthe pink 1's and the blue 1's not mutch on the green yet

Cheers Cloud 9

27-06-2004, 05:17 PM
hey iank think i will invest in a packet of those and give em a go up here in cairns, what jigheads do you match them with and what sort of retrieve. Cheers

28-06-2004, 01:58 PM
cHiCo, I use a 1/4 oz head on a 3/0 hook, was useing nitros to start with but am now useingTT's (tackle tactics), these hooks are chemicaly sharpened and I fish them off of 6lb braid on a spinstick ( same as everyone uses for bream lureing), Retrieve is to bounce the lure across the bottom with rod tip work, speed can be varried to suite the fishes preference for the day, sometimes dead slow to a fairly quick retrieve.
Hope this helps, Ian

29-06-2004, 05:18 AM
Thanks mate, gonna go and pick some up tomorow and hopefully have a go at some barra on thursday.

29-06-2004, 10:44 AM

I'm new to SP's but we were using the 3.5g finese heads in No. 1 or 1/o with No. 2 Hot tails.

Most hits on the drop just droping beside snags - just keep a good eye on your line as it sinks

Great fun - Can't wait for warmer weather when the Jacks bite better.


29-06-2004, 10:51 AM
Got me extremely interested in these things as well, might drop into the tackle shop in the morning and check out what you guys are on about. Bye Bye bait with any luck ;D ;D

29-06-2004, 11:18 AM
Also forgot to mention that I had some #8 tails given to me. So I purchased the bigest heaviest Squidgy head and took them to the reef last weekend.

Managed a few small Cod and Lipper plus one good Trout

So more fun to be had out there as well. But I think I would be better off with some of Paul Dolans snapbacks and the T/T 1oz head for the deeper stuff. I wrecked several squidgy tails by losing the paddle off the tail.


30-06-2004, 09:20 AM
Guys - spend a few dollars & get both of the squidgy video/DVDs. The information on them is invaluable - as well as being a good watch. You will learn all about rigging & retrieval. And the same methods work for all plastics.

Maybe someone should buy them then hawk them round for $5 a viewing.

31-07-2004, 08:18 AM
I must say guys the Plastic Bait craze has surely hit. The Squidgy and the Atomic range of baits are brilliant. These baits are so versatile and they do work, at this stage i have not tried the Squidgy livies, but i am looking forward to it as it seems like a good concept.

31-07-2004, 02:11 PM
Thanks snelly
I have your tips all I need now is the fish to play the game jacks that is . The weather is not the best and in the river the fish are scarce .On the bright side Flat head love squidgies so that keeps me interested
I have seen the vidio with Steve & Bushy Bloody big BREAM .
Keep trying everone I have not run out of patience YYYYYEEET.
BladeRunner [smiley=bandana.gif]

02-08-2004, 06:56 AM
I bought the squigies secrets dvd yesterday and thought, wow, this is gunna be great. Problem is since I have bought the sp's, havent had the chance to get out and try them :(
Gunna have to pull the finger out :)

02-08-2004, 12:35 PM
Fished the Caboulture river yesterday, first time with squidgies.

First cast I fluked a 40cm flathead using 80mm wriggler bloodworm.

Now I'm hooked, can't wait till next time.

Also caught a crap load of pike, gee their fun on light gear but as Vertico said they certainly chop up the sp's.


02-08-2004, 01:29 PM
Sure won’t campaine about squidgies when they catch plenty of fish for me like this 32cm fork bass on Saturday; D
Biggest thing with using plastics is to just keep trying
A lot of people ask me how to use them and what to use and I can tell them everything I know but there is nothing better than getting out there and trial and error