View Full Version : Shimano TLD news....

03-10-2004, 11:30 AM
I've been watching the prices for the entire TLD range drop dramatically on both Ebay and the retail outlets over the last 3 weeks or so.

I've purchased a few TLD 25s in the last few months and thought $150-$180 each was a pretty good price.

Now I may know what's causing the price crash.

Shimano has apparently commenced production of a full metal (not sure if alloy ar aluminium) body TLD range to directly compete with Okuma and Daiwas offerings. Shimano only offer a metal body in the Tiagra range at present - big bucks though!

The current range will remain as the "budget" model but obviously at a lower price - hence the recent drops.

The new range will be priced as close as possible to the old graphite ranges prices.

So what does this mean for us - cheaper TLDs as we know and love them, and for the hardcore crew, finally a TLD that won't shatter in a harness - but that you won't need to sell an organ on the internet to afford - like a Tiagra.

Sounds good to me!

03-10-2004, 12:10 PM
What name will these new models carry?

03-10-2004, 02:03 PM
I got the impression that the TLD name would remain - and frankly they'd be stupid not to use it in some form - maybe Tiagra TLD or TLDA???

I have heard that retail stores should be able to place orders within weeks. There are members here who may be able to confirm this.

03-10-2004, 02:25 PM
hope your right, but why arnt these reels in the new 2005 catalog? shorely if a new product was so close to release next years catalog would have contained it.

03-10-2004, 02:53 PM
As far as i know the only tlds to drop in price are the single speeds, which compared to the two speed versions are completly different, so i asume the new tlds you are refering to must be single speed versions, it puzzles me why shimano would introduce an updated single speed alloy version which would no doubt be heavier and probably less desirable to the game fish market. if i were chasing marlin id much perfer the heavier gears,drag and bearings of a two speed tld. then if im bottom bashing id perfer a reel as light as possible maybe a few slight changes but certianly not as heavy as most alloy versions. we only have to look at the thunnus and 6500b to see what fisherman prefered (of which i own both) the performance is of vertially the same ability yet i use the 6500 more just because its more user friendly and lighter. So if shimano intend to upgrade why are the two speeds not effected. someone must have answers!! ...foxy

03-10-2004, 03:09 PM
Pretty sure that the 2 speeds were discounted as well in the chain I visited today - although I will stand corrected as I didn't really take much notice. Again I got the impression that it was the whole range of TLDs.

The truth is out there Dfox!

03-10-2004, 03:19 PM
I went to the trade show a couple of months back and anything new that was there is in their 2005 catalog,definatly no metal body TLD's,it would be unlikely that Shimano would "unveil" a new product so soon after the show without trying to flog it to the retailers first,but if you hear more let us know.

03-10-2004, 07:12 PM
You can actually buy an after market metal body for the TLD range.

Pretty pricey though.

04-10-2004, 03:32 AM
The 2 speed TLD's price hasn't dropped, still the same in there just released catalogue.
As Banshee said, I would be extremely suprised if they released a new model so close to the trade show without pushing it to the retailers or adding it to their catalogue.
I will check it out on Monday and let you know.

Regards, Tony ???

04-10-2004, 05:16 AM

I've seen those alloy bodies on Ebay. Look pretty schmick, although no lugs for harness clips. From what I understand that is the issue with the graphite TLDs - put heaps of pressure on the body through the lugs and it distorts enough that spool gets pinched ....then bang. I don't think those alloy bodies were Shimano products either - a 3rd party knocking them up. Be interesting to see if anyone here has had the conversion done and how they go.

As you said it's pricey - probably cheaper to get an SLD 30.
Or a Tiagra - I might try that on the missus!

04-10-2004, 07:55 AM
You have been doing well to get them at $150-$180. I just checked e-bay and couldn't find a TLD20 going for anything under about $AUD200.

Where on earth are you finding them at less than that? ???

04-10-2004, 09:35 AM
my supplier will do them for 185 but i buy a lot of gear from them...foxy

04-10-2004, 12:36 PM

Buying from Australian auctions doesn't get you any savings - you still get stung by the middleman.

Try searching for all items "available to Australia" - and you should get a better idea of the true value of some of the gear we buy.

I was pretty sceptical at first and was pretty worried after seeing so many people get burned on here by the "Ashley" reel thing a couple of months ago.

I purchased from sellers with lots of positive feedback - they know it's what potential buyers look for so it's in their best interest to ensure they get positive feedback all the time, by providing what they promise, as they promise it.

Now I don't even think twice. I've almost completed fitting out 5 light game rods, reels, lures, hooks, line and all the rest and I've saved just under $2000 dollars.

Don't even get me started on electronics.

12-10-2004, 12:27 PM

Yeah I was looking at anything available in Australia on ebay.

I see I just missed one that went for AU $146.28. :(

Just have to be in the right place at the right time I guess. Might have to start doing things seriously and use the automatic bidding thingy.

Alot of the TLDs seem to be going for close to (or even more than) the current special price at the "mart" though.


12-10-2004, 01:54 PM
hi david
dont bid until the last 30 seconds

12-10-2004, 02:48 PM

That was the point of my post - the fact that the price of the TLDs seemed to be coming down at places like the "mart" and on Ebay, reducing the savings by buying from the US. When I investigated, I was told about the metal bodied versions in the pipeline - easy to understand then.

When buying on Ebay I bid early and set it at the maximum I want to pay (which is normally a couple of $$$ cheaper than the cheapest I've ever seen the same item sell for previously). You lose heaps of auctions this way but when you win one you save a bundle, and you don't have to keep logging on all the time to check what's happening.

As I said' I've saved almost $2K by buying online - I can't see how I could ever go back to shops for big ticket items now.

12-10-2004, 05:02 PM
Thanks guys,

Any opinions on the TLD20 star vs level drag?

I'd prefer the lever, but I see one of the mail order places has the stars for $149 at the moment. They have higher gearing, but do they have a faster retrieve rate? ???

I have to economise coz I just order a Matrix 27 with GPS from the US ;D

Oh BTW, anyone want a Lowrance X48 and 70A? I'll advertise them properly in a week or two.

12-10-2004, 05:37 PM
Err...guess I should mention I was after a faster retrieve rate coz I am interested in trying some light(-ish) offshore jigging

13-10-2004, 06:07 AM
Seajay, Not sure if it is the same reel you are looking at but I have a TLD 20/40S star, the 5.2:1 retrieve is good but IMO doesn't compare to the TLD's as far a drag, smoothness and line capacity goes. I use it for bottom bashing and trolling for spainish, it fits the bill as a low budget reel. With the TLD prices atm, I would be inclined to spend $30-50 more and get one if I was looking again. Cheers Isaac.

13-10-2004, 07:12 AM
Gidday isaac,

Yeah that was the reel I was asking about, and you confirmed what I was thinking.


13-10-2004, 04:43 PM

I bought a Torium 30 for light jigging. Silky drag and 6.2:1 retrieve if memory serves. Runs 50lb braid real nice!
Not very $$$ either - as all US items seem to be...

18-10-2004, 07:41 PM
hey a mate i fish with here in tweed just returned with three reels from over seas
trip. two calcutta 200te's for $300au :o

19-10-2004, 09:04 AM
Campmart has TLD25's for $225 at the moment, cut out the ad and take it to a mart and thats $202.50 :o :o

Penn SS8500 for $180, same deal.