View Full Version : which electric?
03-11-2004, 05:39 AM
am looking at buying an electric for my 3.85 quintrex explorer trophy. Tossing up between a 55 Minn Kota and a 54 MotorGuide both Transom mount. There's only about $50 difference in price, but what about the best value motor? Would prefer a bowmount, but there is the extra cost factor. Would I be better off in the long term taking the plunge and going for the bowmount? How do the brands stack up? Thanks for any advice. ???
03-11-2004, 06:02 AM
Minnkota all the way mate... the Minn Kota has a better reputation ...
heres an article i wrote a while ago.. very dodgy heh but it'll give you an idea on the comparison between the 2
03-11-2004, 01:04 PM
Just read your report on the electric motors - very thorough and well written. I use a 55lbs Minn Kota with Auto Pilot and I must say that it has been fantastic. Have been in boats with a Motorguide and my impression is that there is really no comparison.
Mrobbo, I am a bit surprised that there is only $50 difference. When I bought mine it was several hundred.
Kind regards... David
03-11-2004, 03:28 PM
Thanks, Tim and David. I think there is about $50 difference between the transom mount motors. There is 4 or 5 hundred difference in the bow mounts as far as I know. Mike
04-11-2004, 12:39 PM
mike i have 385 also and the bowmount i went for is the 55lb riptide from minn kota but insteed of the foot controled aout pliot one i have a bow mount tiller type (it is a proper bow mount and not a converted tiller)
i find this one great as in the 385 your already sitting onto of the leccy so the foot control only get in the way
i control the direction with a tap of the tiller with my knee and any spped adjustments are made inbetween casts ;D
04-11-2004, 01:29 PM
thanks, basserman, that looks like a pretty good option. you are right there is not a lot of room in front of the seat position. will look into it. it should be more economical than a remote set up. thanks, mike
05-11-2004, 02:26 PM
Hi mrobbo, Just thought I'd add my two cents. Do you really need a 55pound electric on a 385? Myself, I got by for years with a 28pd omc "transom mount" on the bow of my 12fter. I think if you are going to mount a tiller stear motor on the front of your boat I'd stay away from the minnkota, as the head of the units just aren't strong enough. :-/I broke two in six months. :'(
Oh, Ive just invested in a 455 poly, and I've got 2 54pd motorguides on it and they do the job just fine.
05-11-2004, 03:08 PM
wild side the bow mount tiller is accualy a desinged unit and not a converted unit
i have found with my 385 that anything less than the 55lb would have the leccy working too hard and their for useing too much battery power
the 385 throphys may be short but they are wider than most hornets so you really have a lot of boat in the water to pull along
06-11-2004, 04:21 PM
Basserman, I'll stand by what I said, any minnkota tiller is to weak. [smiley=thumbsdown.gif] How many hours would you get out of a battery? That is with out turning off :-/. I don't know what type of fishing you do? But I do know from many years of lure fishing that to be in full control of your boat, that it is a good idea to have the electric running all the time. 8) As for battery life, I'd get a full 2 days out of a battery.
07-11-2004, 12:07 PM
how long is a peice of string ???
it all depends on the battary your useing eg; size, how it is charged and make
i would get atleast 5 hours full running on top speed (well i did for the bream grand final) and thats against wind and tide
as for sweetwater fishing i would get atleast one and a half full days fishing out of my 85amp and once i get my new trorgen i dare say i will get more
i have never had a problem with loseing control of my boat once and find it easyer to use in my boat than the foot control as i'm already right ontop of the tiller
and as far as the tiller being weak well it is going very strong and has no slop at all in it after 2 1/2 years hard life ;D
by the way i have used cable steer ,foot peadle and tillers both bow and transom
if i had a boat over say 445 i would definly have a cable steer but for the little 385's bow tillers are defintly the way to go
07-11-2004, 07:31 PM
Minn Kota are the go for sure. I worked at a large store that sold both & can tell you the return rate on the other brand is alot higher.
Sometimes cheeper means exactly that.
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